MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Anybody else think

Anybody else think

Trump's a plant designed to destroy the republican party once and for all?


Do I really need to explain why?


Maybe a little bit in 2016. Now that he's passed their tax cuts for billionaire donors and repealed Net Neutrality for billionaire donors and sold your personal info to ISPs and gave the Saudi's hundreds of billions in weapons, he's looking more like a puppet of the establishment whom they'll happily discard after they blame everything on him.


Trump and Obama can’t both be puppets of the establishment if they’re doing opposite things. Net Neutrality was a creation of the largest multinational corporations in the world. Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, etc...


Net Neutrality was a creation of the FCC that was tired of lawsuits. The FCC got companies on board, but those companies don't really care for or need Net Neutrality. When Net Neutrality was repealed, they barely gave a whisper about it.

Obama and Trump haven't been doing opposite things in the context of the establishment. For example, the Bush era tax cuts are not the opposite of the Trump era tax cuts. They are the same principle, but one is more extreme.



Companies constantly lobbied on both sides of Net Neutrality which is part of the reason why it took so long to become the law even though many of the rules were generally followed since 2003. The FCC finally made it the law because of lawsuits and public approval, not because one side paid more than the other.

However, after Net Neutrality became the law:

The coalition against Net Neutrality (ISPs) spent $110 million, and only had 17% public support.

The coalition to keep Net Neutrality spent only $39 million despite having 83% public support.


Well let’s see. Republicans have a majority of governors. Senators. Congressmen. The presidency. His approval is 50%, which means it’s really well over 50%.

We’ve had a record number of stock market records. A record drop in illegal immigration. Economic growth is the highest it’s been in 20 years.

Under Obama the DemoKKKrats lost over 1200 seats to the republicans. It’s seems Obama was the one who destroyed a party.

And now look at what the DemoKKKrat party has to offer on their platform. Further destroying healthcare. A failed Mueller witch hunt. Squashing the 1st and 4th amdendments. Trying to repeal the 2nd amendment. And most of all, hate hate hate. The left and the demokkkrat party are not only bankrupt of money, they’re bankrupt of ideas and solutions. Theybe been this way for half a century. Hence why they never try to debate and persuade. Just scream and whine and hate.

Yep, the Republicans are in big trouble.


I'm going to laugh when the GOP holds both the House and Senate in the midterms. Get ready for a flood of liberal tears.


Teenagers calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment may turn out to be an early Christmas for the republicans.
