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Democrats who voted for Trump sound off on CNN

It's obvious from the leading questions by the reporter that they were expecting different answers.

To be honest, I'm surprised CNN aired this. So kudos to them for this small bit of honesty. It pops the fantasy bubble of 'buyer's remorse' that so many liberals are trying to sell. They can't wrap their heads around why anyone would've voted for Trump in the first place, so they can't imagine why anyone would still support him.

So of course, liberals will just write these people off as being stupid and ignorant.

The group of Democrats, who voted for President Trump in 2016, sat with CNN’s Martin Savage in an interview that aired on Wednesday and gave their assessment of the president’s first year in office.

“Something that he said that really sticks with me is that he said he wants to give the power back to the American people, and that’s something I can certainly get behind,” student Justis Harrison said before Savage started asking questions.

“We’re one year in. How’s he doing?” Savage asked to start.

“Fantastic,” Rick Green, an ironworker, responded.

“Phenomenal,” machine shop worker, Geno DiFabio, added.

“Better than I ever would have dreamt,” another woman said. “I mean that sincerely.”

“Yes, I agree. He’s doing wonderful, he’s staying on task,” Derrick Anderson, a pastor, opined.

Savage asked the panel about their stance on immigration, which they all said was “huge” to them.

“I feel like when people come here illegally, that’s just very disrespectful,” Harrison said. “You don’t respect our laws and you shouldn’t be able to come here freewheeling like that.”

DiFabio said he used to cringe at the president’s use of Twitter but now he understands why he uses the medium.

“I’m starting to get an inkling why he uses Twitter in the way he does. Because if all he had to rely on is what people say about him, oh my God, I might not like the guy,” he said. “But I love the guy. I love the job he’s doing.

And Harrison, who is black, fought back against allegations that the president is a racist.

“He was just the nicest person and if he was a racist as everyone paints him out to be, he could have just walked right past me and not even said a word,” she said.

“Do you think he is a liar?” Savage asked.

“Do I think he’s lied? No,” DiFabio responded. “But I think he’s fallen short in some of his goals. We all do.”

The panel was also happy with the way the economy is working with President Trump at the helm.

“Industry’s are booming everywhere I’ve seen,” Green said.

“I look around here (and) I don’t see a boom,” Savage fired back.

“In this area no but I fell like there’s small businesses that are starting to pick up,” Green shot back.

“If you expand your business in the inner city,” Anderson said, “my community will benefit from this tax cut.”

“Do you think the media gives the president a fair shake?” Savage asked.

“I don’t think so at all,” Harrison responded.

And as far as the president’s tough, straight talk, the panel could not be happier.

“When he’s like tenacious, sometimes and says stuff off the cuff, like we do, like real Americans do, you know, we’re not perfect,” retired mother of four, Anna Para, said. “I’m tired of suave, I’m tired of polished, I’m tired of the teleprompter, you know, I am. I want my country back.”

Text edited from here:


What? No libtards want to respond to this?


"What? No libtards want to respond to this?"

Not sure what kind of response you're expecting? It's supporters' take on Donald Trump and they have an opinion I differ with. They are entitled to their opinion as much as anyone though so not sure what you think you prove with this post (glad you got a chance to throw the term "libtard" out there though).

I'm sure a lot of these comments can be picked apart like the person who says he doesn't think Trump has lied. Trump had told so many easily verifiable lies it's ridiculous but what difference does pointing any of them out make? People either care about facts or they don't.

So there you go Snags, a liberal has officially responded to this post. Although you may not see it because I believe you put me on ignore when I accurately pointed out to you that Bill Clinton had never been convicted of a felony despite your insistence that he had. I guess I just choose to believe that facts actually matter.


Liberals aren't Trump's real enemy. They are a pseudo enemy posited by the alt-right and religious right. Trump's real enemies are the establishment, primarily democrats, and some republicans too. Anyone who supports Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton is likely to recognize that, as bad as Trump is, he's nowhere near the war criminal that Bush and Cheney were. Trump does a good job of getting the neoliberal and neocon panties in a bunch with his tweets, but actual progressives understand it's just a ruse to pass legislation behind the scenes that not only republicans support, but establishment democrats support as well. You see, we on the actual left know that Trump isn't a real republican. He's a shapeless entity who got in this whole thing to increase the value of his name (and possibly to save Kushner's property on 666 5th). The neoliberals (establishment dems) will go on and on about tweets and Stormy Daniels but only for the sake of brownie points for their useless brand. However, at the end of the day, those same neoliberals want to the same thing the neocons want, just in slightly lesser doses. They want more tax cuts, and they want more deep state interference in the Middle East (Trump's Saudi weapon deal and tax cuts passed with help from dems). Trump is willing to dabble in both, but nowhere near the degree that a John McCain would dabble. So whenever Trump or his supporters go after liberals as being the "tarded" ones, it only serves to help the neoliberal democratic establishment who also wants real progressives to go away so that the establishment can slide in another crony candidate like Hillary. Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Oprah Winfrey... whoever they go with is just more neoliberal establishment crap. I just thank god that Al Franken is out, because he was looking to be the next Trump. No thank you.


"He's a shapeless entity who got in this whole thing to increase the value of his name"

Stupidest thing I've read all day.


He was a democrat when it served him, and he was a republican when it served him. He has no actual ideology. He goes where his ego takes him, but with Obama and Hillary running the show on the democratic side, there was no more room on the blue team. He also has a penchant for conspiracy theories that severely lack evidence.


Which has nothing to do with adding value to his name.


Oh, ok. Well, you didn't specify which part was the stupidest thing you've read all day. You attributed that comment to the whole sentence, so obviously I assumed the "shapeless entity" portion, which my previous statement addresses, was part of your disagreement.

Now that I understand that it was only "the value of his name" that was the stupidest thing you've read all day, I'll be more than happy to elaborate on that.

His name is where he makes his money. He puts his name on things, and that's about it. His other businesses tend to go bankrupt, so he sticks with what works. By becoming president, he posits himself to vastly increase the value of his name, therefore increasing the value of all of his Trump properties.

What may be confusing you is the fact he just isn't good at it. He's struggling with approval, but back during his campaign, he was so confident in his ability to gain support that he believed he would get support from something like 95% of the black community.


"so obviously I assumed"

Because you're an idiot.

"His name is where he makes his money."

So he ran for president, knowing he'd get his name trashed by the media and the Democrats, and he was doing it to "increase the value of his name"?

Yeah, you really are that stupid.


There's that fragile ego we were talking about. It's so much easier to use pejoratives than make an actual argument, especially when you don't have an argument, lol.


"There's that fragile ego we were talking about. It's so much easier to use pejoratives than make an actual argument, especially when you don't have an argument, lol. "

You seem fixated on the word 'fragile'. Makes sense, since most libtards tend to project their shortcomings onto others.

And I gave you an argument. You chose to ignore it and whine about me calling you names.



You said my feelings were hurt when my replies have been completely standard. Meanwhile, yours are filled with pejoratives. I'm not upset at all about them. I just know what they represent. So now you're stuck with the accurate label of a fragile ego. But you should definitely keep crying about it. It helps, like, a lot ;)


Just to be clear, I couldn't care less that some obvious psycho thinks I'm fragile.

But I do enjoy laughing at you.

And I am noticing that you're no longer attempting to discuss the issues, but instead whining about the posts I made to you, and calling me fragile.

LOL. You're cracking me up, dude.


"You said my feelings were hurt when my replies have been completely standard. Meanwhile, yours are filled with pejoratives."

So wait, this post wasn't filled with pejoratives?

"Get over it. You're whining over semantics that mean absolutely nothing. You're just showing how thirsty you are for an argument on an anonymous message board in a pathetic attempt to feed your fragile ego."

That's your fragile ego on display, responding to my post to SOMEONE ELSE, because you didn't like my reply in another thread. Completely standard? What a joke.

And I'm fragile?



"And I'm fragile?


Oh yes ;)


pseudo enemy
religious right
war criminal
actual progressives
establishment democrats
shapeless entity
deep state
Saudi weapon deal
crony candidate

Hey, I just got BINGO! on my nutjob poster Bingo card!


Don't worry. Nobody would ever mistake your random (second) response to my original post as a sign of you being triggered. Your secret is safe. I promise. ;)


"Nobody would ever mistake your random (second) response to my original post as a sign of you being triggered."

Wow. So me just pointing out that your post was stupid makes me triggered?


Or were you talking about this response:

"Which has nothing to do with adding value to his name."

THAT means I'm triggered?

You really are a clueless moron.

This is fun.


I get it now. Your entire posting strategy is to throw up some bullshit, and when someone points out that it's bullshit, you call them 'fragile' and 'triggered' for doing so.

Does that ever work for you?



And guess what? I don't have time to waste with your psycho bullshit.



Oh noes! The Frag I mean SnagsWolf blocked me. Whatever shall I do? ;)


Ah just shut the fuck up and kys. -.-


"Ah just shut the fuck up and kys. -.-"

I guess I really spanked your ass hard with your 9/11 conspiracy bullshit. So much so you had to delete all your posts.

Now you're going to follow me around like a puppy.



Libtards fantasize about Trump's base abandoning him.
