MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > At Least Three Anti-Trump Leakers Identi...

At Least Three Anti-Trump Leakers Identified, Referred to Proper Authorities, Expected to Be Fired Soon

CBS and OANN are reporting that three swamp rats have been caught leaking confidential info.


Still waiting.

Your story appears to be fake news. Brietbart is known for propaganda.

Besides, at least one leak is from frustrated Republican(s) who were alarmed at Trump's behavior when he gave U.S. classified information to an enemy state, Russia.


That story is covfefe.


You are supposed to read the article, stupid! Links to CBS and OANN there. I guess it takes a while to make a case.

Google came up with a newer article, from a member of the House Intelligence Committee.


Your original comment said three leakers were identified which is obviously fake alt-right propaganda nonsense. CBS wasn't confirming anything - only reporting that another news source said the leakers were found.

You have no ability to distinguish truth from garbage therefore you're the stupid one.

BTW, it takes no time for the Feds to "make a case". I used to work for the Feds and witnessed how fast people are fired over very minor things.

Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge from me, fool?


Is it Steve Bannon?
