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Dumbass Trump thinks health insurance costs $15/month

Sorry but anyone who voted for Trump is an idiot. It was evident that he was a moron during the campaign, especially in the debates. But stupid people voted for him. Why? It's because he reminds them of themselves. We are a nation of fools. True, Trump lost by 3 million votes but he still got a ton of support from the brain dead community.



That IS NOTHING compared to his utter and complete ignorance of EVERYTHING ELSE including the members of NATO. "uh, yeah, there are going to be some changes to NATO so uh it's gonna affect mexico and the uh other members."


He was a joke always why didn't anyone PROTEST BEFORE, WHILE HE WAS RUNNING AND CALLED MEXICANS RAPISTS?! The rest of the world was laughing then but not Americans.


People were protesting and warning other people throughout the entire campaign that trumpf wasn't fit or qualified to be president, and that he clearly didn't have any real understanding of the issues that ran beyond skin-deep, but too many people bought into his "I'm a tough guy,so I'll get things done" image. His main problem is that he thinks he can run the WH like he ran his businesses, which is obviously not working out for him, for the simple fact that the country is not a business to run. His lack of a basic grasp of how government works and his refusal to learn how to do anything other than his own way is also severely hurting him. :

He also dosen't have any concepts of people's basic human rights either, since according to one of Comey's memos, he even asked if journalists could be jailed to stop leaks---even though he was told that wouldn't even work,or stop leaks:

Here's also the reason why Comey decided to conclude the Clinton e-mail probe after a thorough investigation---because of fake intelligence from Russia that would have undermined the investigation in some ways:


"Insurance is, you're 20 years old, you just graduated from college, and you start paying $15 a month for the rest of your life and by the time you're 70, and you really need it, you're still paying the same amount and that's really insurance."

His quote was taken out of context. He is meaning that someone should pay the same amount no matter their age.


It boggles the mind how T. Ronald Dump was ever elected president. It boggles the mind even more that this guy not only has supporters--but a LOT of them.

It also boggles the mind that the majority of his supporters are the ones who will be a$$ reamed the most from this budget and healthcare plan of his. They basically handed Ronald their balls and right to life. Congratulations.

This is the biggest joke of a presidency this country has ever seen and, after Obozo, that's saying a LOT. Obama at least FELT like a president. Ronald feels like a hillbilly in a suit.


Trump loves "the poorly educated" for a reason.


And plenty of poorly educated voted for him, that's for sure.

And many (not all, mind you) of Ronald's supporters are trigger-happy, war-hungry, racist, bigoted and xenophobic.

Don't ever look on Yahoo Comments. My God, that place is a cesspool--there are hardened Ronald supporters over there calling for all immigrants (even legal ones) to be rounded up and killed and they get HUNDREDS of thumbs up on those statements. There are some incredibly sick, deranged and evil people out there.

Worst of all--these same people call themselves "Christians". *Facepalm*

PS: They call people "liberal" and "democrat" all the time. In their minds, any anti-Ronald person is a liberal/democrat.


Don't knock "the poorly educated". It's the reason why our country is such a mess now. Politicians of every stripe love the stupid, the greedy and the POORLY educated. How else could Washington ram its socialist, dumbass programs through? How else could politicians keep getting re-elected? Well.... promising everything to everybody as long as you "vote for me and I'll set you free."

"Rounding up immigrants and deporting them"? Seriously? Just the ILLEGAL ones who have no right to be here. Sorry if that offends silly snowflake sensibilities.

Really! 'Hillary supporting clowns' think that stupidity started when their Queen was not given a coronation. Grow the freak up and get yourself educated! Fools!


Are you replying to me? I question that because you didn't even address what I stated properly. I was very clear in stating that many Trump supporters over on the Yahoo Comments section stated that ALL immigrants (including legal ones) should be rounded up and KILLED. I said nothing about deportations and I was VERY specific and even mentioned that they said LEGAL ones, too. Pay attention or don't bother replying to me.

And why the end-run deflection to Hillary? I said NOTHING about the woman in my post. Can one--even ONE person defend Trump WITHOUT deflecting to Hillary or Obama? I've yet to see a single one.


Sorry if my post annoyed you. But I have no idea what 'Yahoo Comments' is anyway. Well I guess it's a "cesspool" as you indicated. I guess you think that some extremists are indicative of ALL Trump supporters. Can any liberal make a case for his beliefs without citing extremists on the right as the norm? Did Trump ever say he wanted legal immigrants rounded up and killed? It's the old "end run" of blaming Donald Trump for what others have said. Can any Trump haters not do an "end run deflection" by bringing in what some stupid people say?

End run deflection to Hillary? Why ELSE are you folks wetting yourselves except for the fact that she wasn't crowned Queen?

But yeah, I CAN defend Trump without bringing up Mrs. C. But why bother? You folks have your minds made up. Sorry, I won't be bothering you anymore. I have come to realize that the leftwing posters over here are just as angry and close minded as the ones on IMDB.


*Sigh* You're like every other Trump supporter I've ever had a debate with. You are literally following all the cues: calling me a liberal, Hillary supporter, democrat, etc.

I'm none of those things and you guys really need to come up with some new material. I'm neither republican nor democrat. Not a liberal either. I guess I'd be considered an independent as I have no party preference and have liked/hated republican/democratic presidents alike. Party doesn't matter to me. And liberals despise me as I despise them.

And my reason for bringing those examples up is simple: THIS is what Trump as president encourages in people. It doesn't matter whether Trump is pushing for people to act this way or not--because of who the man is, THIS is how many of his supporters act. This is what the man's personality draws in.

I don't give a rat's a$$ what party affiliation he is--I find the man to be a deranged lunatic as a well as buffoon who doesn't know what he's doing. And before you do your predictable and scripted "Well, Obama did this and that" deflection that ALL Trump supporters I've ever debated with do, just know that I had no love for that man either. I called him "Obozo" and "Obola" all the time. But, I DO think that Trump is a bigger joke than Obama--far bigger.

Trump is the ultimate loose cannon and his election turned me (a non-political person) into someone who constantly talks about politics online now. He caught my attention as well as many other people's attention.

And spare me your melodrama--I never once stated that ALL Trump supporters act that way. Never once.

It's impossible--Impossible--to have a debate with a Trump supporter online. All it turns into is "But Hillary! But Obama! But Benghazi!" and blah blah blah and ALL of the ones I've tried to have a debate with stall the argument up at the launch pad with deflections to those things. You're a waste of my time.


Well we have a few things in common, I am not a Republican first. I am a conservative who is sick of being labeled evil or stupid for voting for Trump. *sigh* right back atcha! lol You're like every other Trump hater I encounter on-line.

I never said "But Obama"(I am so glad that inept fool is gone, I prefer not to think of him at ALL!). I never said "But Benghazi" but curious that was on YOUR mind! ha ha As Mrs. Clinton said, "Why does it matter now?" Dead Americans on HER watch, yeah so what? Who cares?

Truly is a waste of time to debate, I agree. The level of political discourse here with Trump haters or whatever you folks call yourselves IS truly a waste of time just as it was on IMDB. You're all so angry, humorless, and closeminded. Don't bother to reply to me anymore. I just hate to waste a liberal's precious time. LOL


It amazes me how people like yourself constantly slam Obama without even bothering to acknowledge his very real accomplishment. He was one of he very few president able to get national heath plan implemented, he legalized gay marriage nationally for the first time ever, he deported more illegal immigrants than any other president, he rescued the entire auto industry from utter collapse, and you still have the unmitigated gall to say that he was "useless"? Do you even remember half the things he actually got done, despite the fact that the republicans spent his entire first term trying to block almost everything he tried to get done? Of course not---just a push a button and do the actual research, instead of spouting your complete ignorance about anything he did. Yeah, he had his faults, and I didn't always agree with everything he did, but to call him "inept", especially compared to the unqualified idiot we have in the WH now, is just plain laughable and plain stupid on your part. But since you bought into trumpf's bull****, no big surprise there. Especially since you trumpfheads don't even seem to have a basic grasp of how government works either---just like trumpf's ignorant, backwards stupid a**.


Legalizing gay "marriage". For that alone he is has my sincere disgust.

If you think Obama was NOT the best thing that happened to the pitiful Carter Presidency, well... ya must've been smoking the same stuff Barry Sotero smoked! No use trying to convince you of Obama's uselessness. You're happy with his "legacy" and I am just as happy that self absorbed, egomaniacal loser is OUT of office. He set back the cause of another black president foe about 200 years.

Obama was so smart and Trump is "inept".Pray tell, just what jobs did Barry O create? Who did he employ? What did he do that wasn't propped up by the criminal political machine in Chicago? Just rhetorical questions. No way are you able to answer them.



You're another trumpfhead who screams about "socialist programs" while not even knowing what the hell socialism is or what it means. Look it up and educate yourself,please. trumpf said he loves the poorly educated (like you) and the clearly ignorant because they elected his worthless a**. Also people who didn't bother to do research on trumpf to find out what a spoiled rich boy who's never cared about anything but himself he is bought into all the media hype about him and elected him. Now they're having second thoughts, but instead of admitting they voted for the wrong guy (this idiot) they would rather blame Clinton, call names, spew blind hate for liberals, and stay just as ignorant about trumpf as they were before the election. Oh,well--I'll just laugh as he runs our country into the damn ground thanks to idiots like you who voted for him. You do know he still has dozens of lawsuits against him, right? Look that up,too.


In a nutshell, you're a dope! lol WHEN and WHERE, pray tell did I "scream" about "socialist programs"? Duh, huh, tell me?

Trump IS a "spoiled rich kid". SO??? So are all the Kennedys. So are a lot of people. The only thIng that bothers me is that I am NOT a spoiled rich kid too. LOL Just came from a working class family who got no welfare checks, NO government support, no nothing from other taxpayers. But better a spoiled rich kid than a Clinton who steals every which way they can. Waaay before Madame Hillary ran for office I said that the Clintons are the epitome of "white trash with money."

I did NOT vote for the wrong guy! I am ecstatic that he beat the witch in a pantsuit. I am even happier than PM Netanyahu that we have a decent man in the White House and not a Jew hating loser. Now I know it kills libtards like yourself that all us Trump supporters are NOT miserable. But surprise, we aint!!! I wake up with a smile on my face every morning knowing that Hillary and her minions are in misery. LOL LOL And your constant misery and wetting your pants over his election causes me endless joy and satisfaction! Now go and take a pill or a potion or offer a sacrifice to the gods of loserdom, whatever Hillary's supporters do.


Oh,hell,yeah---Yahoo's comment section is the worse---nothing but xenophobes and racist venting all their blind hateful,racist,sexist bull**** on there. Apparently they don't have any moderators for that board, because so much bull**** gets spewed on there, it's sickening. Also, the AOL comment boards are just as bad---it seems like most of the people who post there are a bunch of drunk, ignorant, idiot fools who automatically hate anything that dosen't praise trump and call anything negative about him "fake news". Some sensible people post on thee from time to time,but it's a trip seeing how people really think about things when there's no filter around online.


fake all fake


True all true.


obuma thought it was free...derp


Obama wanted all people to pay in... derp. Now people will be uninsured and drain emergency room resources and the people who already pay for insurance will pay more for the people who don't have insurance. I know, logic is the enemy of the Trump supporter but I figured I'd point this out to ya anyhow.


It was a mandate that all people pay in which is socialism. The uninsured already drained emergency room resources prior to Obamacare and insurance rates continue to rise because of illegals and those who cannot afford to pay. My friend said his healthcare payments went up and my copay increased as well. You are blaming Trump for a what if scenario that hasn't happened yet. Remember all the rumors and gossip about Obama creating death panels and taking away our guns?


There is no way you have a friend. Furthermore, the only way to make health care work for everybody is to socialize it. It works great all over the developed world. It works in this country, too as Medicare and Medicaid. We currently pay the most for health care and the quality is worse than it is in places like Canada and countries in Europe. Nobody goes bankrupt just because they get sick in those places and everybody pays in.


Your ignorance is truly frightening, but VERY, VERY heartening to Washington politicians AND big daddy GOVERNMENT who want control of our lives!! My God, how DEPRESSING!

They are asking you to take it up the a## and you willingly bend over!


I am not ignorant and you need to educate yourself. You have been flooded with right wing propaganda your whole life just like you were told there is a magical daddy in the sky who loves you. There isn't. Nobody loves you.


I love how you lefties think you are somehow different and not capable of being flooded with left wing propaganda. Just FYI CNN is just as politically agenda driven and non-credible as Fox news. Case and point. since January over 80% of all CNN coverage has been on Trump/Russia when to this date not one bit of actual evidence has been presented. over 80%. You do not think this has "flooded" the left wing with propaganda.


You should go to any hospital along the Canadian border in the U.S.A.. Their parking lots are filled with Canadian cars. They come here for better healthcare.


No they don't. Maybe quicker MRIs but that's basically it. You are making up lies as usual.


You are a foolish child.
