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Stormy's polygraph test released - not good for T-rump!

Stormy Daniels' 2011 polygraph test has been released and proves she told the truth when she said she had "unprotected vaginal intercourse with Donald Trump in July 2006," according to multiple news sources. Daniels claimed she had unprotected sex with Trump, because Daniels is allergic to latex and didn't have condoms at the time.

The report has a less than 1% chance of being inaccurate, according to the polygraph examiner Ronald Slay. The report, released to the media by Stormy's lawyer Michael Avenatti, asked three "pertinent" questions concerning her affair with Melania's husband:

"Around July 2006, did you have vaginal intercourse with Donald Trump?"
"Around July 2006, did you have unprotected sex with Donald Trump?"
"Did Trump say you would get on 'The Apprentice?'"

Daniels answered 'yes' to all three of the questions asked. Bauer Publishing, which owns Life&Style and InTouch magazines, requested the polygraph testing when in interviewed Daniels for a 2011 article it was planning to publish. At the time, the magazine with-held the interview, but published it earlier this year.


Unprotected with Trump? Gross! I'm glad I already ate.


“The report has a less than 1% chance of being inaccurate, according to the polygraph examiner Ronald Slay.”

I don’t really doubt she’s telling the truth (I think most Trump supporters accept they likely had sex at this point) but the above quote from Ronald Slay is bullshit. I question the reliability of polygraph tests and there’s a reason they are inadmissible in court. I don’t know of any study that supports the 1% comment above and there are many (myself included) that consider “lie detector” tests to be pseudo-science.


I think there are many reasons why lie detector tests aren’t admissible in court. I don’t know Slays credentials or experience, but I do believe she passed by telling the truth.


The problem with polygraphs is they don't work on people who are in the gray area between truth and lie. It's only a lie if you believe it's a lie, but some people who lie do not fully realize it. Even though they may not be fully convinced they are telling the truth, the polygraph would show that they were. Polygraph technology just isn't up to snuff to figure out those nuances, so it remains inadmissible. Also, some people are more difficult to test than others.


He had sex with a woman! The horror!


Yep its horror! He was married and just had a baby!!!


Rethuglikkkans give him a pass.


I know. Melania probably had the same reaction....or worse.
