MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder Discussion > In an ideal world this is what dc films ...

In an ideal world this is what dc films looks like

1:Man of Steel
2: Batman vs Superman (Snyder cut )
3: Suicide squad (Ayer cut )
4: Justice league (Snyder cut )
5: The Batman (Not hack Pattinson but the goat batfleck )
6: Justice league part 2
7: Green lantern (Prequel and sequel both )
8: Cyborg
9: Flash (Not this upcoming flush but the original take of Snyder )
10: Justice league part 3

It can still be possible if just WB #SellSnyderVerseToNetflix

This is what WB should have done instead of riding to pedo Gunn and his toilet humours #FirePedoGunn


In an ideal world Snyder stayed away from DC.


Buzz off pedo Gunn fan


You could put Aquaman in there since Zack did consult with James Wan and approved his story for the film pre-2017


They should not make superhero comic book movies period, that way nerds can finally get laid, get good educations, and contribute to society.
