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Jussie Smollett Investigation Marked by ‘Substantial Abuses of Discretion,’ Special Prosecutor Says


The guy staged a hate crime to get attention. He wasted police resources and time for a stunt. He deserves to be forgotten.


Webb said Foxx and her staff made false or misleading statements about her declared recusal from the case, about how the Smollett case compared to others in the court system, about the certainty of a conviction for Smollett, and about her contacts with Smollett’s sister, actor Jurnee Smollett.

But Webb also said he did not find evidence that the case was improperly influenced by third parties such as Tina Tchen, the onetime chief of staff to former first lady Michelle Obama, nor did he find evidence that would support criminal charges.

Smollett attorney Mark Geragos said in a statement Monday, “This so called “report” on Kim Foxx and the timing of the recharging of Jussie reveals the real political electoral motivation of Dan Webb and his cohorts. It’s a blatant attempt to take down a black, progressive, female prosecutor who does not fit within the white power structure. Jussie, a black, gay man who maintains his innocence, continues to be used as a pawn.

[12 page release included]


"It’s a blatant attempt to take down a black, progressive, female prosecutor who does not fit within the white power structure."

That in itself is racist, sexist and beyond ridiculous!

Jussie needs to go to prison. Foxx needs to step down.
Drain that Chicago swamp.
