MovieChat Forums > Dan Schneider Discussion > Dan Schneider deleted 4,276 tweets yeste...

Dan Schneider deleted 4,276 tweets yesterday

103. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 10/09 **#6**
The pervy producer from the tween network must be expecting something big to come out about him. You don't delete thousands and thousands of Tweets in a couple of hours for no reason. Dan Schneider (Nickelodeon)


Lol....been rumors about him for years. I bet though that someone saved his tweets...😂😂


I've heard this for years and have wondered, if something finally comes out publicly, if Keenan Thompsan or Kel or anyone will make a statement. It always comes down to you wondering if they knew but just dealt with it and moved on and didn't say anything or if they didn't have the same experience some of the others did and had no idea. And who'd know what to believe. I'm sure when your a tween or even a teenager being threatened that your career and livelihood will be over if you say anything is pretty scary. From the blind items that keep popping up it seems like there are many actors and actresses that experienced or knew someone that did but they dared speak out on it.
