MovieChat Forums > King Charles III Discussion > King Charles III: Princess Diana's Ghost

King Charles III: Princess Diana's Ghost

May 2017!


At the moment when the crown is placed on Camilla's head, even Diana's ghost would realize she's better off dead.


The sad part is, after 3 decades, I think Diana would be supportive had she lived. But I wonder if Charles would have invited her, or would she have accepted? Most likely she would have come to support her boys.


If Diana had lived, William would be in for a sore trial. Diana would hate seeing THAT WOMAN crowned with every fiber of her being, and her instinct would be to either bomb the church or snatch the Kooinoor off that bitch's head like a drag queen! But she'd also be aware that the rational thing to do was to keep quiet for William's sake and do what she could to pave the way for his succession, so she'd have to stifle herself in public. And probably alternately smother William with affection and rant at him over the sacrifices she's made for him.

The Princess of Wales must have offered many silent prayers of thanks, that she doesn't have to deal with Diana in real life!


Can you imagine the drama if Diana had did something to hurt Meghan, not intentional of course, you have to wonder what road Harry would have taken since he adored his mom? In addition, you have to wonder if there would have been tension between Kate and the her late MIL. I can see Diana, Kate's mom, and Doria all in a duel if lines were crossed.


My guess is that if Diana were alive, Harry would still be a bachelor.

Diana was a very needy person, and if she'd had a chance to grow older and run through a few more husbands, she might have realized that the only men who'd always be there for her were her sons, and they were also primo arm candy! So she'd possessive of them, less so with William, because he really would need to marry and have kids, and even as a teen he was aware that something was a bit off with her. But Harry's never been aware of diddly-squat, Harry loves doing what he's told even now, Harry is gullible enough to let her run off every girlfriend he'd ever had, so she could have him all to herself!


Wow your assessment of the late princess had me cracking up. You can only wonder what she would think of her daughter in laws, and how she would get along with Carol and Doria. You have to also wonder if fate had been kinder, if she would have married either Dodi or Hewitt.

I think Diana would have been fair to Harry's choice of partners, but being her baby boy, you bet she would put them through the wringer in some way or another. I can see her correcting her rascal grandson Louie as well, in addition to paying regular visits to Montecito. Your assessment of her boys as arm candy is spot on.


Oh, I think William's road to producing an heir would have been difficult if Diana had lived, but he'd probably have managed it eventually. With the help of Queen Elizabeth and the whole Palace power structure, of course, they all would have lined up behind William, all devoted to the task of helping him to stand up to his mother, and getting Diana to stop running off his girlfriends.

Of course they'd have no reason to do the same for Harry, in fact, they'd let Diana "have" Harry so they wouldn't have to deal with the problem child themselves! And Diana would get rid of all his girlfriends and there would be no Meg, and Harry would let her, because he has zero capacity for seeing through bullshit and manipulation. I read his awful book, and it's true, and so is his odd fondness for being told what to do. He NEVER would have seen through Diana, or stopped doing everything she told him to do.


Is the book that bad?


It's... very interesting, to someone who takes an interest in abnormal psychology. I mean, Harry was trying to make himself look good in the book, everyone who writes an autobiography does, right? But he comes across as very odd irregardless - like he's always writing about his illegal drug use here, and screaming bloody murder when the press prints stories about his illegal drug use there. And he has some genuinely irrational beliefs, he flatly dismisses the idea that the drunk driver at the wheel had anything to do with his mother's death, he blames it squarely on the press in the cars behind her, and later becomes convinced that if he isn't given head-of-state level free security the press WILL kill Meghan as well... because his mommy issues are running the show.

Definitely put yourself on the library wait list, but don't pay for a copy.


"The bombed church and snatching of the crown "had me rolling with laughter!
