MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Most of you are bat scat crazy.

Most of you are bat scat crazy.

You people (rightists?) are SO freaking crazy I swear you need to be locked up in padded rooms. Is this bait trolling or something?

"I dislike trans ideology as much as anybody else, because it seems to make things worse for everybody, including trans people themselves. "

"Trans" is not a freaking ideology. It's a serious disturbance on both sides of society.

It does not make things worse for ANYONE except maybe the person who does it to themselves. Take Michael Jackson, did his making himself look white hurt anyone else but himself? He hated being black or just being himself and being black was part of that. Same with Ellen Page you fruitcakes make people hate themselves that they hurt themselves.

Do you get some sort of sick pleasure over driving people over the edge or something? Your narcisstic personality disorders borderline on the criminal. It is NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS what people do to themselves.

Should we allow vegans to criticise you INCESSANTLY for eating meat? Should we allow them to berate you? You're hurting others as well as yourself when you eat meat.

What about environmentalists and scientists? Should we allow them to whip you medieval style for driving gas guzzlers? You seem to think it is ok to berate the hell out of people that simple don't hold your BELIEFS, you live in an alternative reality and don't understand THE FACTS, so shouldn't you go to prison for that or something?

No one is "preaching" trans ideology (there is no ideology) all we hear about is you preaching anti-trans, anti-this, anti-that and pure hatred. Your religion is ignorance stupidity and hatred. Should we have you imprisoned for being stupid since you harm all of society with your stupidity and anti-social behavior?


The idea of masculine and feminine behaviour has been in every society for eons.

To remove this, to put forth the idea that they are completely social constructs, that they are fluid, that they have no biological merit, to tell children this, is to live in a world in which we have never seen.

It scares people, because we don't know if these radical ideas are destabilizing to society.


Should we allow vegans to criticise you INCESSANTLY for eating meat?

I don't know the actual situation in the US but in Europe they were not waiting for your allowance.

And the question is indeed WHO lives in an alternate reality...

Imprisoning for anti-social behavior? That was as far as I remember really one of the official functions of concentration camps in Nazi Germany. Thanks for the warning...


It sounds to me like you're bat scat fucking crazy RealInfinitum.


You haven't been keeping up with trans advocates, have you? They turned gender itself into an ideology, it's practically a religion right now. More than a few of them are incapable/unwilling to even define what "woman" means, because they want to turn it into a belief instead of a physical construct. That's why they're always babbling about "your truth", "my truth", everybody's own "personal truths", and some sort of right to "exist".

They're even trying to turn their own children into them. Just look up "theybies".

Also, look up Lia Thomas and trans women in sports. Inclusion of trans people into wherever they want to express themselves does make things worse for other people who don't want to be a part of it.

I'm not without sympathy for people with psychological struggles, but for better or worse I have to respect their right to personal choice and personal responsibility. And unfortunately too many of them refuse to seek help because "leftists" taught them that identity is a source of instant pride and comfort, and they should value it at all costs.

And it's making things worse for them.
