MovieChat Forums > Dean Norris Discussion > I used to like this guy - now he sounds ...

I used to like this guy - now he sounds like a self-aggrandising ass

“I got into Harvard against long odds via hard work and perseverance. Neither of my parents went to college, we didn’t have money 2 even pay for SAT prep course let alone bribes. Shameful. It’s hard enuf for working class kids 2 succeed w/o rich privilege taking opportunity away.

When I think of all the kids who studied hard, stayed up late, had part time jobs to pay for their college application fees, and then were denied rightly deserved places in elite colleges because some rich f–kwads cheated for their already privileged kids — I’m disgusted.”

What a working-class hero! Give that man a medal! 🙄

And it's 'enough', not 'enuf', genius! And 'f-kwads'? Really? Is that the type of sophisticated language you pick up after getting into Harvard 'against long odds via hard work and perseverance'?


They asked for his opinion and he gave them one. Tissue?


So you respect wealthy people who cheat their way into an education?


I like him better now ... but of course he could just be ACTING!


I'm not sure why this would make someone dislike him. Rich fuckwads cheating and buying their kids' way into ivy league schools is pretty fucking disgusting. Calling those people out? Pretty cool.


Not for Republicans.


So, you got triggered.
