Not a fan.

Seth McFarlane has a great voice. He writes well for his audience. His shows tend to do very well because he understands entertainment. That being said, I'm not a fan of his work. Perhaps he relies on pop culture too much. He's still very talented... even if I think he's annoying.


I love this guy and his work ...he is awesome!
But your post was well stated and i respect your opinion Q!
See you around the block;)


I tend to agree with you...I like the guy, especially his singing,but just don't care for his work on television . Could be I'm not that into sitcoms...Ted was funny enough,never saw the sequel or the western. He did bang the there's that!


Curious as to how old you are? I say that because I'm a big fan of Seth McFarland but I'm only 6 months younger than him so he grew up in the same era of pop culture as I did. As such many of his references (particularly references to 80's cartoons and 70's/80's/90's sitcoms) hit the mark with me but I could see them not landing with younger (or much older audiences). If I was 25 or 65 I'm guessing a significant number of the cutaways would just be annoying to me.


I'm only a couple years younger than he his.

reply basically you're smart enough that it takes more than a recognizable reference to a pleasant memory from your youth to make you laugh. I can respect that.....but thank god I'm not burdened like that and fall happily in line with the other lowest common denominator folk waiting for the next Adam Sandler flick :)

Did you see the 100th episode special where he was interviewing focus group people on Family Guy and they all hated it (and had no idea they were talking to the creator of the show)? I always found that really funny.


Nope, I did not watch the 100th anniversary special (wouldn't that be 100 episode special?). Initially, I thought I was a fan until I purchased the first few seasons. After a binge, I found myself getting bored and annoyed by the characters, references, and lack of story. It's a personal taste thing. This is why I give him credit for his talent. He is a talented guy who created a show people love. I'm just not one of them. I ended up watching Ted upon the recommendation of my soldiers. Unfortunately, I found the movie to be unlikeable. I enjoyed the Flash Gordon Reference though.

As for Adam Sandler, I like parts of his movies, but they are never as much fun as Happy Gilmore or the Wedding Singer.


Ugh, you responded before I corrected it to 100th episode, my bad!

I liked Ted, didn't care for Ted 2 so much. I get what you're saying about Family Guy and I'll miss many episodes in a row only to end up catching up on a lazy day where I don't have the attention span to put on anything too involved. The 100th episode special isn't an actual episode just a retrospective and is pretty funny though. Even if you're not a fan it might be worth checking out (season 6 episode 4 or 5 I believe). His response to the woman asking if David Hyde Pierce is the voice of Stewie cracked me up.


Upon your recommendation, I will do that. Thank you.


Upon your recommendation, I will do that. Thank you.


I was kidding about waiting for a new Adam Sandler flick....haven't liked anything from him in years....but Happy Gilmore will always be pure gold go me.


good cartoon writer, but is horrible as an actor and in movies...


I can only say that for Hellboy 2. His accent was awful in that. Outside of that, I've only seen his voice work and a few hosting events.


I just realized something stupid. In Hellboy 2, that too was voice work. My bad. So... I can't say much about his performance.


Maybe dont watch it then


That's fair. Honestly, I hope he does well. Same goes for you. Happy New Year.


I do agree with you to a point. I think he is a little bit over-saturating tv right now. With American Dad, Family Guy, The Orville and the Cleveland show still on repeates, and whatever movies and specials he is working on it seems like his original brand is a little watered down now, how can he give his full attention to so many things/


He'll have a lull and bounce back. Thats pretty common for talented people. Either that or he'll be found dead from alcohol and pills. I doubt the later since he's older than 27.
