Wasted talent

All the talent that this girl has and wasted away. I do blame her parents but after a certain time it's all on her. Shame


You obviously didn't watch A prairie home companion, Georgia Rule, Chapter 27, The canyons and Bobby. None of these are amazing films but she did give good and some great performances. I never saw Mean girls as a great performance.



Dina Lohan.

Made her daughter work to support the rest of the family. Once her career took off she abandoned her to live at the Chateau Marmont at 17 so she could live back East and work on making her next daughter a star. Lindsay ends up way into drugs and alcohol with no parental presence or supervision. Mom encourages all her daughter's bad habits and vices. Daughter pisses away career with horrible creative and personal choices. Mom keeps standing by those destructive choices rather than help her daughter get help.

Oh, and gets a reality show for daughter #2 and pimps her out.

Dina last seen trying to get into Villa nightclub with both girls and shouting "don't you know who I am?" at the doorman who turned them away, cause he refused to admit a 15 year old to a nightclub.

Yep, doing blow and going clubbing with your kids. Mother of the fucking decade.


reply 112 04/07/2009


Yup, she definitely has a talent for getting wasted.
