MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Pizza Gate Connection

Pizza Gate Connection

Apparently James Gunn might be connected to the Podestas and their Pedophile ring.
That´s how he got those good jobs at Disneys and was allowed to do the GotG movies.
Too bad he was too obvious about his passion in his tweets.
Disney has to cut all ties to him because they are in it too.
Just think about the Pizza symbolism in James Gunns movies (Rocket Racoon basically mentioning the last time he attended some "weird pasta party" - quote)
Just think about this for a second and wake up Sheeple.


Groot is many years old grown-up but is also a baby. Viewing babies as grown-ups is a pedophile psychology. He also doesn't talk much, childhood trauma, I guess. What are his relations with RRaccoon anyways? Is raccoon an allusion to a hamster? Everyone knows what hamsters are for. Etc.


Gunn openly admitted and tweeted to have good connections to convicted pedos and to the pedo association (NAMBLA), it's all in his twees, shame he managed to delete most of them. Apart from this, it's pure specualtion. His films are's full of allusions if you want to see them:

- when they discuss their "sensitive nipples" they really refer to "NippleGate".

- when they discuss the size of their squishy turds this alludes to the old MCU creation myth: According to this myth Mr Feige once swam in a kiddy pool and hit a raccoon turd floating at the pools' shallow end. This gave him this vision of a Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Okay, now I see you're trolling. You honestly had me for a while. Carry on.


hmm, you deem child rape comments funny "jokes", yet you misunderstand the spirit of an obvious parody thread as trolling. You are remarkably tone deaf, pal. Maybe the only way to enjoy Gunn's lowbrow penis, turd and nipples humor without being genuinely depraved.


Pizza Gate? What a maroon!


When did Rocket talk about a pasta party?


when ass-raping your mom in her sleep fathering you while thinking of fucking the shit out 3 year old pussy boys peeing in his face.

(^ Gunn-style "humor"-quotes, if you did not laugh at this you do not need to go to therapy)


What if I cried because it hurt my feelings?


Leaked parts of the GotG 3 script.


You people are obsessed with pedophiles. If i didn't know better i would think it was projection. If Hollywood is jam packed with Pedophiles. How come almost nobody has been found out and prosecuted.


Unfortunately, obsession with pedophilia is a traditional American psychological disease (not that other nations do not have their own). Being abused at a very young age by its parent (the UK) America is still unable to overcome the trauma and wants the whole world to know about it. Nabokov saw this very well, thus his satirical book (Lolita) was written and published. No American sees it as satirical though, just Europeans.


James Gunn is a talented Guy.

He's written some big hits, like Dawn of the Dead. That's probably why Disney hired him.


Romero wrote and directed DofD. Everything post Romero is fake Zombies!
