MovieChat Forums > Kristen Bell Discussion > I don't give a sh*t about Kristin Bell

I don't give a sh*t about Kristin Bell

She just doesn't do anything for me. She's attractive but not stunningly gorgeous, she's a fine actress but hasn't ever blown me away with her work, I feel like she receives a lot of attention for no particular reason. Seems nice enough but there's just nothing all that special about her in my opinion. Sorry to her fans, what is it about her that you like?


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Her eyes are too close together or something. It's like her face is a ball of dough and someone just pinched in her eyes and nose. She's very hard to look at.


She looks like a possum wearing a blonde wig.


I think she's pretty awesome, fresh looking beautiful even if she is approaching 40 now and I have always admired her openness to playing roles opposite of black actors, including love scenes, when there is still some sensitivity to that kind of thing with audiences. I probably don't agree with her politics, but I think she is genuine and very nice to look at!

Now you're messing with a...


:) Agreed! As for Anna being voiced by her being wrong due to her politics or her not being a voice actor, that's another thing. Same with Justin Bieber who has the same politics.I mean, with priests molesting kids, I'll take the kindly, motherly Kristen Bell anyday :) (AND she is SO fine in "Chips" as Karen, if, Dax Shepard, you don't mind! :D)


I know what you mean. As far as looks, it's weird, I'd rank her as perfect in just about every way but still not a lot of sex appeal to me. It's like a lot of smoke but no fire.


You're a fucking moron.


Her appearance in "How to be a Latin Lover" makes her pretty swello-o..and hey, that was Panelion's BIGGEST success in getting performers popular in US, with one, Salma Hayek, already being Latina, and just among females, Raquel Welch of many campy films, and little McKenna Grace ("Gifted"), and other fine stars. Plus Latin's Eguenio Berbez, already a long time south of the border favorite, is the star of "Latin Lover"..and already established with US audiences with 2013's "Instructions not included". Also excellent in the Melissa McCarthy film "The Boss".
