MovieChat Forums > Tomas Alfredson Discussion > Where the hell is this guy?

Where the hell is this guy?

Tinker Tailor was a critical and commercial success, then he takes half a decade off and makes the universally derided The Snowman (claiming that they didn’t have enough time to finish shooting and so 10-15% of the script went unfilmed). It was originally to be directed by Scorsese until Alfredson stepped in and Scorsese produced.

So he’s mingling with the best talent out there, but still no sign of him. Surely his past successes and good working relationships with big name actors and the likes of Scorsese would see him constantly in work..? With Hollywood spewing so much derivative crap you’d hope they could at least give Alfredson a few mid-budget projects to cook up something for the adults.

Apparently Gary Oldman wants to get a Tinker Tailor sequel made, and no doubt he wants Alfredson at the helm, but it’s been nearly ten years since the last film and with the Oscar’s absurd new diversity rules it’s probably impossible to make a film full of crusty white men, even if half of them are closet gays as we saw in Tinker.


Tinker Tailor would have been fine with regards to the new diversity rules - the co-writer, producer, costume designer and no doubt various other key personnel were female.

I agree that a sequel is overdue, and it’s surprising that a follow-up has never been made. I’m sure it would do well.


I was checking now his iMDB page and it seems that he has a new movie, which is very badly reviewed. This new movie is a remake of a slapstick comedy franchise, which seems the last thing Alfredson should do. It's like putting Ingmar Bergman to direct a Jim Carrey movie. WTF? Who thought that would be a good idea?

I don't know what the hell happened with this guy. You don't get two movies as Let The Right One In and Tinker Taylor without having a lot of talent. How that talent just vanished out of the blue? Why did he get into slapstick comedy when he's clearly talented for thriller and drama?
