MovieChat Forums > Ryan Reynolds Discussion > Filmography is full of flops

Filmography is full of flops

OK he's a beautiful man and Deadpool is great. But if you look at the films he's made there's an awful lot of shit in there. And not Nicolas Cage type shit....Reynolds' flops have decent budgets:

Green Lantern,
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Amityville Horror
Blade Trinity
Smokin Aces
Red Notice
The Change Up
6 Underground

And there's a few more possible ones. That's an awful lot of big budget trash. Not direct to video muck that Cage and Bruce Willis are phoning in over an afternoon.

It's like only 20% of the stuff he makes is in any way decent. That's a real bad hit percentage. Have to give him credit on how he keeps getting work though. He should thank his lucky stars for Deadpool.


He's not a good actor and his brand of charm is very limited.


Wow Waiting sucked so bad it’s on the list twice?


As an ex-Bartender in a fun bar and grill, I loved Waiting.
Van Wilder is great (his best role, IMO).
Just Friends is #@$ing classic. The scenes with the brothers fighting are all too spot on.
Safe House was an interesting action movie and he plays it down a lot.

I mean, it's not Leo DiCaprio's resume, but he has had some decent flicks. I think he's reached the point of over-exposure though. Taking a couple years off is a good call.


lol oops!
