MovieChat Forums > Elisabeth Moss Discussion > she's too ugly to be a movie star

she's too ugly to be a movie star

they keep showing previews for her new movie and everytime they show her face i squirm with pain because she's so ugly. i know acting shouldn't be just about looks but it has to be about looks partially. it is 50% of what makes an actress successful unless they are a great actress. and she has to prove she's a great big movie actress before she can be this(not beautiful enough great big movie actress).

she made me cringe a few times while watching her in a preview for her newest movie that's how ugly she is. and also, to be more easy on her, she's too plain and ordinary looking to be a movie star. and she's too old looking to be a movie star. she looks like your middle aged, completely unattractive aunt. this world is wrong for allowing her to be the main star of a big movie.

but this is not the first time Hollywood has made a mistake like this. they wrongly allowed amy schumer to become a movie star for a few years even though she is painfully ugly and fat. Hollywood needs to stop allowing ugly or fat actresses to be main stars of big movies.


Why do you have a history of criticizing strong, successful women for their success?
