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Piers Morgan interviews Bill Maher: Nobody's ever been canceled for being TOO woke

Anyone who says Bill is "right wing" after watching this is retarded. Still left of center.

Fox Nation - 17m clip

Bill Maher sits down with Piers Morgan to talk about cancel culture and the pressures of NOT offending people as a comedian today. Plus, the pair discuss whether or not the American dream is still alive and Bill's take on the 'ridiculous' royal requirements.


Of course he is a lefty and has been for decades.

Criticizing or complaining about the radical leftist culture does not make someone "right wing".

He is an old school liberal and he is still a "misinformation hypocrite" with TDS.

|_Modern-liberal____________________Bill-Maher___| center |_______Right____________|


You forgot MAGA at the end

Signed, million man.


And Fascist at the beginning!


That would be with MAGA

Signed, million man.


lmao, It is called "the big lie", and you were gullible enough to believe it.

It is impossible to have 'Libertarianism' on the same side as 'Fascism'.


Did Bill Maher give any examples of jokes he did not use because he thought he would offend someone or get cancelled. I think he's been treated pretty fairly, and has not been cancelled, except the time when he joked about 9-11 a bit too early.


he dropped the n-word, hard r, in 2016, that def got him some flakkk and he had to make a big apology.


Was it 2016? That long ago? By god that is 7 years ago now.
Whew, time flies. Maher was trying to be edgy to say he was
not a tough guy, he was a house n-word. I'm not black but I
thought it was a dumb thing to say, but he made his point.
Best to stay away from that word, but it was not a racist thing.

People don't seem to get that saying something stupid trying
to be funny has almost no relationship to "racism" the enslavement
and murder of non-white - or really any different people.

Americans used to be racist against the Irish or Italian, and still
are about Jews, but nothing like what this country did to Africans,
Native Americans, and even the Chinese.

To tell a bad joke, or even talk about racial subjects in an insensitive
way is not racism in the way racism used to mean. Each case has
to be sorted out on its own merits and meanings.

The problem is that whatever the case you cannot tell what someone
really thinks or how they really act towards people of different races.

And the push-back Bill gives because he seems to think he has the
god-given right to make bad jokes, because he never knows as a
writer what is going to be funny or not. But that is why he hires
writers and reviews his material.

Anyway, I wish Maher would be gone, but someone else would take
over the show. He is not funny. He is not smart. He is annoying and
the show is fake. How desperate he was for laughs and how angry
he got at the audience when they did not laugh.


And there's nothing wrong with being left of center because in the end, Bill Maher is a conflicted liberal, but he's a conflicted liberal of the past when they had the Moderate Centrist Democrat Party which is non-existent now.. If that party of the past came back?? I'd vote that way in a heartbeat.. It was a Party where you could agree to disagree and not divide the entire damn country the way it is right now..


That's not really accurate. The country was always divided and still is.
The thing is that the Liberal/Left of center side never had the ability to
speak up because they got bad reactions, or beat up, or fired, or passed
over for promotion, or got a bad reputation. It is only as consciousness
has been raised and people are demanding their rights that all of the
sudden the Plutocrats have to contribute to the think tanks about how to
put the toothpaste back in the tube and clamp down on people again.
That started in the 70's, and has taken a while, but now they own and
control everything.
