MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > Friday tweet: was never sick

Friday tweet: was never sick

Odd that two episodes were cancelled.

So sorry to all our fans, and my bosses (whoever they may be this week - man, HBO gets traded more than Bartolo Colon)that we'll miss another show tonight. I assure - and thank - all well-wishers I was never sick and feel great (undoubtedly the shot) and will be back next week.


Playing hooky? What a bum.
But with the jokes he's been writing lately I can understand wanting to run away.


Bartolo Colon was only traded twice in his 21 year career. He was a free agent a lot but he was not traded a lot.

I like Bill to a point but there are A LOT of things he thinks he knows a lot about. I would LOVE for him to realize that each state has 2 senators regardless of population BUT each state gets their House Representatives by population.

From an article on Deadline about how Maher thinks we should treat Trump voters:

With Trump — and his QAnon supporters — coming to terms with defeat, there is an opportunity to “lift the scales from their eyes,” Maher said. “But it’s not going to happen by mocking them or calling them stupid.”

Yet Bill also treats people from the Dakotas with such disrespect.
