MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > Another Shapeshifting Member of "NuHolly...

Another Shapeshifting Member of "NuHollywood" Changing Form to Save Flagging Career

Here's the thing about Old Hollywood. No matter how much you disagreed about the politics of movie stars, they were 100% consistent. Jane Fonda, Jimmy Stewart, Vanessa Redgrave, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne and Charlton Heston remained diehard lefties and righties throughout their entire careers. You'll never, ever hear Jane Fonda suddenly sounding like an Alt Righter, or someone like Clint Eastwood supporting BLM.

NuHollywood is different. It's filled with shape-shifting opportunists who suddenly switch sides as soon as it helps their career. What makes it worse is HOW they do it. Shape-shifters like Dennis Miller, Bill Maher, Jon Voight, George Carlin and so many others predictably turn on "liberal Hollywood" as soon as their careers start bombing and play martyr to leftwing politics...when ironically, 99.9% of their success is owed to passing themselves off as members of that liberal elite--not just for years, but for DECADES, even, building a solid progressive following.

Seeing where Maher is going now, I'm going to call it now: he's going to start sounding more and more like Tucker Carlson and Geraldo Rivera at some point. Hell, he might even start slobbering over Putin's knob. Just wait and see. Anything to remain relevant.


I wouldn't put Carlin in that box. That's a case I think of the base shifting away from you, rather than you leaving the base. You gotta remember that Dems and Repubs basically flipp flopped in their values. The whole circus is utter shite.


Why wouldn't you put Carlin in that box? Carlin has shape-shifted his entire career in very methodical fashion. He was floundering as a straitlaced standup who did goofy voices and skits making fun of the counterculture for the old WW2 farts who watched Ed Sullivan. He didn't come into his own until he rode the 1960s counterculture and pandered to Baby Boomers to hell and back. Then all of a sudden, when "anti-PC/rage comics" were popular (Sam Kinison, Dennis Miller, Bill Hicks, etc.) among the GenX crowd, he decided that he "hated Boomers" and the very leftist politics that defined his generation.

People forget that Carlin's "turn" was completely cynical. Before he reinvented himself as the Howard Beale of the 1990s, his career was flopping when Boomers got tired of countercultural comedy, had matured and were mellowing out into more laid back, observational-style comedy of the likes of Seinfeld, David Brenner and Jay Leno, etc. He tried making a go at movies, flopped. Then he tried being a sitcom star. That flopped. Then he tried being a children's host. That flopped. And then, oh, wow, all of a sudden he found new voice as an anti-Boomer, anti-PC reactionary.

It amazes me how brilliantly he was able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. I always like to point this cheesy ad he put out with his "shtick". It shows how much of his stick was a hustle. Even Jay Leno never sunk so low:


I can't disagree with any of that. I never looked at it in that light before. You might not be wrong.


Well it’s wake up or join the DNCCP and their move to end police, borders, financial independence, for everyone but themselves and their .0001% friends.

Even Maher can’t ignore how crazy the Democrat media/party and their lemmings have gotten.


He can't ignore it because the gravy train is over, and he can't ride off the Democrats anymore as a phony progressive. He has zero integrity, like the fading female celeb jumping on the #metoo bandwagon after decades of proudly hanging out with known predators.


Butthurt troll can't accept that sane people are abandoning the fascist left!


If I'm a troll, go ahead and report me to the mods.
