MovieChat Forums > Ashton Kutcher Discussion > $100 Million net worth?

$100 Million net worth?

News reports were stating that he was worth around $100 million. I'm just curious how he was able to amass such a high amount. There's no doubt that he's making bank off of his stupid stints like Punk'd and residuals from That 70s Show, but his Box Office draw this past decade can't be much bigger than Sean William Scott's, plus he's produced way more reality tv stinkers than hits so he's had to lose quite a bit of money in the process.



You spend a little, spend a little, and suddenly you're like Oh, crap, I spent 5,000 dollars this year? Same with if you're a great saver and investor. Save a little; invest a little and suddenly you realize you're in the millions. And he's older now.


Nobody discloses their net worth. All of those public pronouncements by websites like or use estimates based on public investments. Kutcher is part of a VC group that has money in ventures that value over $250 Million. But you have to remember that this is NOT net worth $$ and it is tied up in equity shares that rely on the performance of the incubators they invest in. The REAL measure of his wealth is to see how much money his VC group sold an incubator for. An example would be that his VC group pumped $30 million into a start up that got sold to a Microsoft, Amazon, or Facebook for 10 times the value. But I can't find any hard copy of what his take would be or if he even liquidated his buyouts. He probably didn't as he would give more than half away to Federal Taxes.


I haven't read this thread. I don't even care to read it..... $100 Million net worth?????? This is SIX YEARS AGO????? Holy Molly!!! I never thought that this guy was talented. I have seen his biography though.... I can't help being happy for him. This kid came out of no place. He worked for a while as a model. Imagine suddenly getting lucky enough to land an acting gig on a tv show THAT JUST HAPPENS TO TURN OUT TO BE A HIT?????
Do I think that he is a great talent? No. I still think that this kid fell ass backward into stardom.
It didn't hurt to have the good looks and the friends, contacts and spouse along the way.
I enjoy a rags to riches success story. This is certainly an interesting one!
