Way to go...

You stupid self righteous ignorant racist redneck!! You had a second chance with the reboot of your classic tv series and you blew, due to your big fat loud mouth!!


Yup. and it wasn’t even funny in a creative way. It was tired. Hope it was worth it Roseanne


She's obviously crazy or demented to say or think something like that. Go look at a few of her You-Tube videos ... she makes no sense. And then look at her vicious attacks on Chelsea Clinton about her husband, and the more attacks on George Soros. Soros and Hillary Clinton have been built up into these titans of Democratic evil in the minds of Right Wing nuts. It's almost funny, but these idiots are serious. I am sure when she dies if they autopsy here they will find something wrong with her brain. She does not really think clearly, not to mention she has no good sense filter.
