MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > What was behind his desire to rape?

What was behind his desire to rape?

Obviously he could have had all the casual, consensual sex that he wanted but that’s not what he wanted. He wanted to take it without consent. That was his thing.


I think he hates women and he was getting off on inflicting trauma and confusion.


He had a lot of power and he was able to. So arrogance would have been a huge factor. Also from what I understand a majority of his victims were white women so there was probably more than a little racism in there as well.


I followed the case very carefully from its onset until his prison sentencing. The majority of his victims are white, but if I remember correctly, around 25% of them are POC, maybe more. Also, most of the women of color who came forward had their experiences with him around or after the Cosby Show, which centered around an African American family and so naturally he was then working with more women of color. Back in the 60’s and 70’s there just weren’t as many POC working in entertainment as later on, and that’s when more of his victims were POC.

I read a lot of articles on his history with women and from them I gleaned that he has been treating girls and women like pieces of garbage to knock down, use up, and toss away his entire life. In his earliest days, he lived in an African American neighborhood so the women and girls he abused were black.

I don’t get the feeling that his serial sex offences were racially motivated.


So he raped whoever was convienent and most likely had many people covering for him.


Pretty much and definitely had loads of enablers many paid. Maybe more like whomever was conveniently striking his fancy. When he wanted to rape someone he often made a big effort.


He had dozens around him complicit with his actions and many many more who are simply unable to do or prove anything.


This is the thing that bugs it is that you have people playing the race card like he raped women because he's black or he's going to jail because of race which is utter bullshit, race has nothing to do with it and it pisses me off that people are bringing it up like if a murderer or rapist is gay they would use their sexuality as an excuse.

As said before I think in Cosby's day a lot of men treated women like that, it was really common don't think they thought anything of it.


If anything I believe his race kept him safe more than hindered him. His status and wealth didn't hurt either.
