
True story. Michael Bay is underrated. His films have made a ton of money but he gets no respect as a filmmaker.

He has made three movies that I personally think are at least very good, if not great:

The Rock (this one IS great)
Pain & Gain
13 Hours

These are his best films, in my opinion. The ironic thing is that while the Transformers series chugged along making billions of dollars, P&G and 13 Hours underperformed at the box office. So his best efforts are often not the ones that get rewarded.

I know a lot of people also really enjoy the first Bad Boys movie. Armageddon has its defenders. I think The Island was okay as well.

The point is, when he's at his best he makes genuinely good films. And when he's not on his A-game, often times the movies he makes still end up being entertaining enough to warrant a watch.

One has to wonder where his career would be today, and how public opinion about him would be different, if he had never gotten wrapped up in the Transformers franchise.


The Rock was the main inspiration for the Metal Gear Solid games.


Really? That's interesting.

I guess a great film helped bring a great game to life.


Sure did :-) I made a thread on the movie a while ago if you are interested.



Bad Boys II is really good too! It may have not been a critical success, but it's adored by most action movie fans with some considering it better than the first.




Depends on what you mean by bad? If you mean more action focused, raunchy and gritty, then I agree.


I do know that some people have a soft spot for Bad Boys II.

I tried watching it a couple of years ago and got about halfway through before losing interest. But sometimes when I reevaluate a film I'll walk away with a different opinion, so perhaps pretty soon I will do a double-feature with Bad Boys I and II and just give both films another go.



His visual styling basically set the benchmark standard for the modern blockbuster.
