

I'd bet on it.


It probably had more to do with him being absolutely massive.


And he didn’t get his pudding till he eats the meat


Andre was friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger, back in the 80s. Andre ate absolutely massive meals, because he was as large as several average humans, so he ate as much as several average humans. Because of that, he had a standing rule, that if he went out with someone, he paid for dinner. No matter what the other people ordered, or how expensive things were, Andre paid for dinner, because he didn't like the thought of other people paying for his massive meals (and alcohol).

This rankled a bit with Schwarzenegger, who was wealthy, and who was not a cheap date himself. He kept offering to pay for dinner, and then insisting, and Andre always refused. Finally, Schwarzenegger tried stealth! He snuck off into the kitchen well before the check was due, gave the manager a credit card and said he was paying... only to find that Andre had followed him. Andre gently picked Schwarzenegger up, shook him a tiny bit, and rumbled "I PAY.".

* * *

I forget where I read it, Schwarzenegger told the story.
