MovieChat Forums > James Spader Discussion > When I see pictures of him now, I cry a ...

When I see pictures of him now, I cry a little inside

He used to be SO ATTRACTIVE. And now he's lost his looks. Back in the 90s... Damn. DAMN. He was fine! And now he looks totally different. I love him the same as always but I'm still sad that he hasn't aged very well. Sigh ...


yes, he was absolutely gorgeous as a young man. his beauty may be gone, but his charisma is still there. and, damn, DAMN, the man can act!


If seeing him now makes you cry that says way more about you than it does about him. If you are so shallow that you can't see that he is still an attractive, intelligent, and talented man and appreciate him as such, that is your problem not his. He may not be as jaw-droppingly stunning as he was but he looks damn fine to me and looks aren't everything, anyway.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


I think they cry because they realize they're old now and have lost THEIR looks. But they aren't going to admit it so they just take cheap shots at this guy. He does need to get in better shape for his health's sake but he doesn't need to try to look 25 which is what they want him to look like.


I still think he's incredibly sexy :)


.... Whoa, calm down!!

I love James Spader!! I think he is such a great actor! Looks definitely are not everything, I am well aware. I was not blessed with good looks myself-- I know beauty isn't everything!

Calm down, my child. I was simply stating the obvious. James Spader has lost his looks, and yes, it does make me a little sad because he was so handsome back in his prime. And now he looks very different. I'm not shallow. I'm honest. There's a difference. My love for him has not changed one bit. Please reel in your attitude a wee little bit. It's not necessary here :) You're among a fan, not a hater.


I was not blessed with good looks myself-- I know beauty isn't everything!

This is usually how it works. The ugliest people are the most judgemental. Take for example, the incel movement. A bunch of ugly, douchey little trolls judging people off their looks. But at least you admit it.


No he has not lost his looks. They have changed and matured but they are not lost. I am so sick of people criticizing the way he looks now and to say looking at him makes you cry is extremely insulting.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


I don't think he is ugly! I didn't say he was. I said he has lost his good looks from back in the day. Which, he has! I'm sorry but it's true. He is by no means unattractive now, he still has his wonderful voice and he's still charming as ever.

I think you need to calm down and relax a little. There is no reason to be upset about this. I don't cry because I think he's ugly, I cry because of what was lost. And I don't actually cry hahahah, that was a figure of speech. It's a little sad to see somebody lose their good looks. Beauty is a gift. When age takes it away, it's sad (maybe that does sound shallow but I don't care because I don't mean it that way).

Like I said before. I love James Spader. He's a great actor. He lost his looks. It's a little sad to me. Still love him. That's all. I'm sorry if my opinion offends you. Have a nice day :)


Welcome to fandom.

There are people who think Mel Gibson still looks gorgeous. He's lost his looks, too, but his fans will not see it. Either.

And watching Spader get porky on Boston Legal without a care in the world about how he looked because he had a contract, was the star of the show, and had a regular paycheck for the first time in his life, was just awful. It even affected his acting. He'd stretch his neck to try to hide the triple chins. In The Practice others said his character "oozed smugness." In Boston Legal it had turned into snide haughtiness, always looking down his nose with the lighting from above to try to hide that blasted neck flab. And they can DO something about that. Nip-tuck!

I guess 9 years ago he was still okay. Now? Not so much. His body and face are his instrument. From the interviews I've read, he doesn't actually respect acting very much. He likes cooking and eating good food too much. Acting is just his hobby.


Shore was fun in the BL he sucked.


I've listened to/read interviews with Spader, and he calls acting a hobby. Implicit in a lot of his answers is the knowledge that he has talent and has wasted it, so he denigrates acting as something he did "after school." "It still is," he adds. That's the reason he only has flashes of brilliance.
Not buying it.
You're right about his being fun in the Practice. We like a Robin Hood. We cheer a Robin Hood! Even if he's only a "half Robin Hood." His comedic timing was perfect: "And I promise you, I will never, ever...get caught." He seemed not to know the difference between right and wrong, but he did -- he just wasn't going to let the fineries of the law get in the way. He did what he did so that right would prevail.
One of the articles I read said that he had the face of a choir boy, but eyes that could turn dead and cold. With those, he could walk that fine line between boyish charm and lecherous larceny.
It was one of the great characters of all time, and Kelley was too stupid to know what he had. Or maybe he lacked the talent to continue to write for him. So he turned him into a clown in Boston Legal. And Spader went along with it because it was easier, it was a steady paycheck, and it was just a "hobby" anyway.
Talent to burn, and that's exactly what he did with it.


I know what you are saying: at one point he was an Adonis; today he is still an attractive guy, but he no longer is an Adonis. His charisma though has grown stronger with the years. It is a good trade off.


"when i consider that every thing that grows holds in perfection but a little moment..." this has been true throughout the ages. what we weep for is our own lost youth and/or beauty.


Yes! That's exactly right. Thank you :)
