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Gwyneth Paltrow Found Not Liable For 2016 Ski Collision With Optometrist

Gwyneth Paltrow did not cause the 2016 ski collision that retired optometrist Terry Sanderson claimed left him with a traumatic brain injury, a jury found today.

The jury in Park City, Utah, found that Sanderson was responsible for the collision, and awarded Paltrow the $1 she requested in a countersuit.

You know what? As much as I dont like those rich narcissists celebrities but in this case I’m glad she won. Because it was very obvious cash grab and extortion. There was mundane accidental minor collision between two skiers as its happens all the time. No one was hurt and everyone went with their day.

But then this guy decided he can extort money just because she is rich celebrity and brought her to court. Them made up how he is so hurt. Which he is not. I hate when such things happen and glad he lost.

To teach those people lessons and stop them from filing false claims she should have sue him for the money he wanted from her. And then give all those money to charity. When they will know they will lose and pay their own money - they will think twice before filing.


It must have cost her a lot for an attorney. He should have to reimburse her for all of it.


I can finally get some rest now that this ordeal is over. I've been on pins and needles waiting to see the outcome of this case and what will happen to Gwen and it's finally here. Thank goodness I'm going to go get much needed sleep.
