MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > People break down into two groups..

People break down into two groups..

. When they experience something crazy, group number one sees it as more than crazy, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign, evidence, that it was staged. Group number two sees it as just pure luck. Just a turn of chance. I'm sure theres some people in group number two are looking at The Slap in a suspicious way, for them the situation is fifty-fifty. Could be real, could be staged. But deep down, they feel that whatever happened, just happened. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But there's a whole lot of people in group number one. When they see Will slap Chris they're looking at a performance. And deep down, they feel that whatever happened, there will be someone there to stage these things. And that fills them with hope. So you see what you have to ask yourself is what kind of person are you? Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees a performance? Or do you believe that things just happen? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?


Will..slap away..


Wait was the whole thing a signs quote?


Speaking as a cynical and misanthropic old bitch who thinks the worst of absolutely everyone...

IMHO it wasn't staged, at least not by both Smith and Rock. Smith may have been looking for a chance to grab more headlines than he'd get with just an award, and to look really straight and manly and not at all like a cuckold, so it's entirely possible he was sitting there in the audience stewing and looking for someone he could attack.

Nothing else explains the situation. Rock would never have agreed to be hit on international TV, and it also explains why Smith laughed at Rock's joke and then made a huge show of being angry. It took him a second to realize that his moment had arrived.


I agree it most likely wasnt..


What if it was..


I still can't see Rock agreeing to be smack in the gob in front of the whole world, not without a punchline ready to go.

Maybe it was all spur-of-the-moment, maybe Smith knew about the joke before the fact and intended to make a scene, maybe he was just looking for a chance to make a scene. Because if the simplest explanation for any event is likeliest to be true, then the simplest explanation is that Smith is an asshole.


I think these celebrities are just probing…to check things out… covert like… make sure things are clear… for the rest of ‘em.

