MovieChat Forums > Johnny Depp Discussion > If Johnny is so evil...

If Johnny is so evil...

Have you EVER seen Turd err Heard ever do any of this or spend time with kids in a hospital? Bet not. Not that I am aware of anyway.


He's not evil. If he was, we'd be hearing it from every female he's ever been involved with. Mostly all his past women have said publicly that he's a sweet, caring generous guy. The only one that ever said anything negative about him is Ellen Barkin. She said something along the line of he threw a wine bottle near her. And that's about it. Johnny denied it and said that she's bitter. Which she probably is because that old hag was lucky to have that young meat. Then when she couldn't have that young meat anymore, bitterness ensued.


FYI celebrities who do good works don't necessarily do out if the goodness of their hearts, sometimes they do it because their publicists told them to.


Though I tend to agree with you, I do want to be fair and say there is a lot of perception involved in celebrities. We only get to see maybe 5%-10% of their actual lives in media. Yea, these videos may look great, but we are seeing edited footage that spans over a few hours of time. We are ONLY getting the good parts as a promotion for a movie. You see how crazy Tom Cruise has become, but I remember a time, when he was married to Nicole Kidman and would hear all kind of stories on how generous and helpful he was. I remember a story about a stranded car or accident or something. So it's all about what the media wants us to see.

That being said, as a person who never 100% followed JD as a celebrity crush, I don't recall many, if any, bad stories of him...outside the whole smuggled dog incident once. And I'm 40 so that's the 90s, 2000s, 2010s of seeing him in media and not getting a lot of negative stories from him. So I find it a little funny that now, with this one woman, he's this evil rage-a-holic woman beater. Sometimes the one who speaks first gets the benefit of the doubt, in this case it's Amber...and with the whole #meetoo BS it was just a bad situation of events.

I'm not saying he's innocent as the driven snow. Celebrities live in a world we normal people will never understand. He's a rocker. He does drugs, has vast amounts of money and connections at his disposal. That kind of freedom and power can change people. But I don't think he's evil. I don't agree with his politics; that doesn't make him evil. I think the two of them were both toxic to each other and think their outcomes should be the same (If he loses his job, so should she. If she keeps her job, so should he). And I will fight with anyone who tries to ruin a man's (or woman's) career out of anger, jealousy, and vindictiveness. Again, he's not a saint but he didn't deserve what happened to his career either.

Editing to say: I don't think Tom Cruise is crazy evil either. Loopy, on a world of his own....but not evil. We only see what they want us to see. They are all people like us. You have to look at both sides of the story and think logically about what is real and what is part of a show.
