Hates Donald Trump.

You’ve always been very vocal about US politics. How are you feeling now the election’s over?

“Relieved! I wasn’t sure what this goofball might do. And he tried. That phone call [Donald Trump] had with the folks in Georgia was unbelievable.”

The one where he demanded that Georgia’s secretary of state find him votes to overturn the election?

“Yeah. I can’t believe it. It was like he was channelling a mafia guy, a mobster. ‘All I need is 11,000 votes!’ Oh my God.”

Trump’s term was as scary as one of your movies…

“Yeah. Those of us who don’t believe in what he believes in, we’ve been living in a real-life horror movie for the past four years. But now he’s gone. The horror has been lifted for now. It may come back, you know how monsters are, they do come back sometimes. But for now it’s a nice day.”

Now that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are in office do you see the US turning a corner?

“Well, I’m hoping so, but I don’t know. It’s certainly already better, I think. It’s already better because they just seem like reasonable human beings and their belief system is not what Trump’s was. Let’s put it that way.”

Has Trump’s time in office inspired any ideas for a film?

“Well, I’m thinking about it. I’ve got to let all of this percolate a little bit. But these folks who rioted [in the Capitol], they are really mad. And what are they mad at? The changes they’re seeing in their country and all these real or imagined slights that are happening to them? And it’s all stoked by these politicians. I’ll have to think about it. I don’t know, could aliens be behind it all? I don’t know. We’ll see.”



It’s hilarious. The countless number of Democrat lemming threads started by members that are no longer here. Say hi to Biden’s rectum everyone.


Carpenter is still living in the 1970s, unfortunately, making the basic assumption that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good. Maybe he'll wise up and see how corrupt both parties are. Look what's happening under Biden. Massive inflation, multiple new warfronts, effectively open borders, zero attention paid to the needs of Americans in general. Yet Carpenter thinks things would've been worse under Trump? That's an extremely uninformed, naive viewpoint. Probably he's not paying much attention to the world, focusing mainly on smoking ganja and playing video games.
