MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Never-Married Women: "No One Ever Asked....

Never-Married Women: "No One Ever Asked."

Do women in 2024 consider never-married women to have some sort of stigma?

I have a lot of never-married women in my extended family, I have one sister that never married, but she did get 2 proposals when she was in her twenties and my parents forbid it (I'm too young to remember the details.) So maybe that's different... but she's been bitter about it for as long as I can remember, and still is to this day...

I have a niece in her mid-20's and she'd been dating this guy who I met and I thought he seemed decent (also in mid-20's), he was pushing her to marry him, and then he broke up with her. I recounted my sister's story to my wife, and I suggested that niece just go ahead and marry the guy, get a prenup so their incomes and debts are segregated (so he doesn't go buy a Ferrari on her credit.) Maybe in a year or two it ends in divorce, I don't know what a divorce costs for two people with no kids, no assets, low income... $5k? $10k? My wife told me to go pound sand for my advice...


I think young adults in this day and age in their early 20's are too immature to be tying the knot and that chances are, if they somehow do, it'll end up in Divorce or the woman being murdered like you read about all too often..
