MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > October 31st: Squirrel Awareness Month e...

October 31st: Squirrel Awareness Month ends!

I hope everyone had a fun month being extra-aware of our Special Rodent Friends. I myself kept a running count wherever I have been, and I was made aware of 103 squirrels this month (naturally not counting those seen on TV/online). But then again, the last day is not over yet!

Even though this special month is ending, let's continue to aware of and appreciate these fascinating, deep-thinking, hard-working creatures as we share our lives with them all through the year. I'm already looking forward to January 21st, when we will celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day! In the meantime, enjoy some squirrel media/literature when the weather keeps you in, and may you have as much fun as your local squirrels are having!

And for the ignored naysayers who continue to insist that "squirrels are vermin", all I can say is:

"You say vermin like it's a bad thing!"


Jump to the 04:26 min mark:


Happy Halloween from Little Thumbelina Girl


Squirrels rule!!!




Check your dictionary: don't "arcane" and "esoteric" mean EXACTLY the same thing???
