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Darth Jar Jar Binks - Star Wars

I just barely heard about it. It seems to make sense.


I really love the original "thesis" from many years ago about 'Darth Jar Jar', it felt like it was based in ST cannon with documented evidence (e.g., the films and behind the scene footage), but the link'd above, just feels more like one person's headcannon, which is difficult for me to buy into or accept -- even in an entertainment type of way; perhaps because I'm drinking right now, my head is all not there haha.

I still liked the video in general, as it pushes the narrative of Darth Jar Jar -- one of the best things to come out of Star Wars.


That's what I was seeing in another video. Apparently, George Lucas was going to do Darth Jar Jar, but he chickened out. He made major changes to episode 2 and 3. It's even speculated that the fight between Yoda and Count Dooku was supposed to be between Yoda and Jar Jar.


It's widely believed in the fandom.

The dickhead superfan at my last job said that Ahmed Best was quoted as saying "Finally, people are beginning to catch on to what we were doing", although the dickhead superfan didn't provide any context. He took it to mean that Darth Jar-Jar had been the original intent, and that Count Dooku was a last-minute replacement.

Well, if there was a change of plans, IMHO Dooku was a total win for the fans! And it gave that marvelous old Tolkien Geek Christopher Lee to appear in both "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars"!
