MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > MC Movie Club ASSEMBLE!


Stoney is going on vacation this week and asked me to start the Friday/Saturday movie thread. I’m starting this early so you all have time to check out these stonekeeper suggestions and make sure you can stream them:

Killers (1996)
Satanic Panic
M.O.M. Mothers Of Monsters
Fear Inc.

*I checked and all of these are on TUBI in my region, be sure to check your area, streaming can be a bit random for some reason.

Stoney rated all of these a 6.5 or higher and the dude knows his stuff. Let’s all vote on what to watch for the movie club🤓👍

Also, even though I hate to be bossy it’s come to my attention that our esteemed Dean and Canadian neighbor hownos has never seen Robocop. This is a ridiculous state of affairs and I for one will not live in a world where hownos has not seen Robocop!

I suggest Robocop for the 9pm est Friday night show, you folks pick the rest, we need an 11pm for Friday and a 9pm and 11pm for Saturday. Let’s make stonekeeper proud!

***ETA: May seems like a good pick for the 11pm Friday show if you can all stream it👍


Friday night: Robocop at 9 est
May at 11 est

Saturday night: Killers (96) at 9est
Fear Inc. at 11 est


Calm down!

*always keep a shovel in the trunk !


Wow, tonight’s shows were fairly crappy!

The Friday night flicks were great but the Saturday movies were pretty bad:/

Again, nearly everyone abandoned me!
I was like Sgt. Elias getting AK’d in Platoon and you fuckers choppered out LOL💥😄
We are supposed to stick together guys, this was like Troll 2 all over again when you all abandoned me to watch that shit alone.

Everyone go on TUBI, FREEVIE or Netflix this week to pick some fun stuff for next weekend😄

And NEVER leave a man behind!


We should watch a film noir next week.


Pick one, I’m down for anything with the gang😎🤘

I’ll try to find one too.


How about The Prowler (1951)? It's on Tubi and is rated 7.2 on imdb.


I’m not a huge fan of really old movies but if the gang wants to go for it count me in.


Depending on how you define Noir TUBI has some goodies…Cotton Comes To Harlem, The Killer Inside Me, Bad Lieutenant…many more👍


Yeah any of those would be fine with me.


Bad Lieutenant is a great film and also a tough watch. If that were on the schedule, it might be worth considering pairing it with a lighter-spirited movie, like Lieutenant Jangles.


can you respond to this shogun??


not on my phone.

I'm using the kid's laptop and I hate laptops.
