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10th year anniversary message of a post from IMDB

All the white and black geeks can't store white or black chicks...
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by AminaHPlus » 2 hours ago (Sat Jul 13 2013 01:35) Flag | Reply
IMDb member since November 2010
So they fantasize about Asian. This goes for men who are fascinated with Russian chicks, and wanting a "mail order bride" from Russia/Ukraine. All of these dudes do is b-tch and complain about how American women are so horrible and unattainable, stuck up, too aggressive, too much of a feminist, and don't obey her man. Yeah...all these statements coming from weirdos (usually guys with some mental illness or anti-social behaviors that turn females off), or guys who are very low on the beta male list where being too much of a "girly, wimpy pu$$y" type male is a turn off to women as well. Basically, it is the type of guy who feels offended by the typical male gender role, and they want a female to see their effiminate traits as being heroically masculine. Overall, they want to be the "dominate male" or be seen as dominate while in actuality it is the female who is taking care of him. These dudes are not looking for girlfriends and wives, they are looking for a woman to play his momma, while giving him sex. Plus, he wants the female to have such low self-esteem where she would consider his little p-ssy behavior and feign it as being Macho Man.

As a female myself, I am wary of any dude that constantly has a fascination of a female of a different ethnicity. Truth be told, the females of dude's ethnicity consider him "unfit" because he doesn't fit his own ethnic ideals of masculinity, so he runs off desperately trying to get a chick of another ethnic group hoping that the female -of a different ethnicity- doesn't understand his cultural background very well. She has nothing to gauge why he thinks that the grass is greener on the other side, because she lacks cultural understanding. That is why the "forever alone" men are always picking the quieter spoken Asian chick, or the Russian chick looking for an American because she needs to get out of Russia for financial reasons, because both of these type of women would be more timid in regards to speaking out to her new found weirdo boyfriend/husband.

Nerds, geeks, losers, weirdos, anti-social men want easy pickings. I feel sorry for Asian chicks. They probably get all kinds of weirdos coming their way.


Asian fetishists are often weirdos.


My wife is from SE Asia, should I be worried, lol.


I don't think you need to be.


You're married to an Asian? If only there was some kind of hint.


Hmmmm, now let me think 🤔


"As a female myself, I am wary of any dude that constantly has a fascination of a female of a different ethnicity. Truth be told, the females of dude's ethnicity consider him "unfit" because he doesn't fit his own ethnic ideals of masculinity"

It's true that a lot of straight men who consistently date outside their race have serious issues, that are spotted by the women within their own cohort. But I don't think you've hit the nail on the head when it comes to describing those issues, the issues vary. But IMHO the most common reason that straight men want "mail order brides" is that they want someone they can dominate and possibly abuse, they generally think that women of whatever cultural group have been conditioned to be submissive, and are usually horribly surprised to find out that they're wrong. Another reason is that they don't want to contribute anything to a relationship but money, and don't have enough money to attract a gold-digger in their own peer group, and of course these guys also make their own hells, because the women usually figure out ways to get the money without having to put up with the man.

However, dating outside one's race is NOT always pathologic, I mean I grew up in the SF Bay Area, where no family group at an Asian restaurant is complete without a white son-in-law. There's a lot of interracial marriages there, but it's not a fetishistic thing, people of different races just meet and mingle and things happen.


I'm just the messenger =) I'm a straight male too. And I would agree partly with your opinion. I just think it is something of a big deal for Americans to invest in an interracial partnership. Race influences most people psychologically, from toddlerhood to old age. I know of two races whose women, being of light colored skin, who mingled freely with other darker skinned races. Some of the ancient Greeks, and, secondly, some Japanese who went to South America to settle, in mid or early 20th century. There might be a dozen or so examples, on different scales, but they are rare.
