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What is more likely to happen in the future? Time travel or teleportation?





I agree.


Both are scientifically impossible.

NATO nations must focus our international intellectual capabilities on capturing a Bigfoot or one of those Loch Ness Monsters.

We have stout men, gigantic nets, tranquilizer rifles, let’s do this!

What could possibly go wrong fellas?


To capture Bigfoot we will need Lee Majors.


If Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monsters were real, they wouldn't exist by now. We would have exterminated them, just like we did with smallpox.


My guess is neither. Quantum mechanics does allow for the “state” of a photon to be teleported to another photon, but the photon itself isn’t teleported. It has actually been performed in the lab. But that isn’t the same thing as teleporting an object.


What about a more sinister version, where one side of the, say, portal, destroys the matter/body, then the other end of the portal recreates what was destroyed?


Teleportation, though if it's anything like what Larry Niven wrote about, it will have to be heavily controlled.


I trust Niven over random internet talking heads. The man has a good reputation for keeping it real.


He predicted several interesting results of having teleportation booths.

One that makes the most sense is, if you have one that you own privately, most sensible people will have it on their front porch, for safety reasons. Having it inside the house was too much of a hazard, because if a stranger/thief/criminal got the number to dial it (I think he was inspired by phone booths on this one), they could just teleport into your house, steal all your stuff, and kill you in your sleep. So having it outside the house, but easily accessible to the owners was a better idea.

Another result was, there would be "flash mobs," where people would hear of event, and tons of them would teleport in to get involved with it, and then disappear as soon as the event was over.

A third result he spoke of was people no longer using any form of land transport, particularly if teleportation was available to all classes. All highways would be turned into parks or left to rot. I suspect people's sense of distance would be lost as a result. It would get worse once space travel was made so easy an ordinary civilian could do it and travel from one planet or star system to another as easily as we travel from one town to another.

The fourth result was, due to instantaneous travel, all cultures on earth would merge into a single, futuristic, mono-culture that was the same from one side of the planet to the other, and anything you wanted in one country, you could easily find it in another one thousands of miles away. Chances are, all sense of unique identity would be lost.
