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What did you samaritains watch this week? (02/12-02/18)

Y’all helping people out in these streets and what not. Ha!

“I used to empty the bar now I raised it, needed a break from the beer the wine and the drinks that I make when, life used to shake me, it use to help but when I woke up I never felt amazing, got the shake the after taste, dark memories I erased them, they came back to haunt me so I’m back to my craving, but now I pray God just to save me so I can breathe for a day and…stay with the kids that in his love he gave me.” -SK

My week:

Mulan (2020 Disney+): Beautiful to look at in all its grandeur, its costumes and special effects. Filled with epic warfare, Wuxia action and solid performance by dedicated actors; I liked this film. Those hating on it because they love the original Disney movie so much and those who think the costumes and architecture were so mismatched it ruined it, they can go and cry me a river for all I care. My rating: 7/10

Meet Joe Black (1998 TV): Back in the late 90’s early 00’s, Pitt was the sexiest man alive for the girls and the most badass actor for me. I watched ALL his movies… but this one. When I went to the video store and looked up this VHS, I ALWAYS placed it back on the shelf after a slight moment of hesitation. I was NOT down for a 3 hour romance. 25 years later, I finally gave it a shot. I truly doubt I would’ve been able to enjoy it back then and although I did liked it now, this is FAR from Pitt’s best performances. I get it, he goes from being a smooth talker to the embodiment of Death itself but did he really need to act like his body had rigor mortis . And can someone tell me why Hopkins never asks The Question? Is there any life after death or heaven and hell, all that kind of stuff…That was weird. I think the parts I enjoyed the most were the business parts which were as important as the romance and the 3 hours didn’t feel long. My rating: 7/10

Terrifier 2 (2022 DVD): I liked the first one so I was anxious to watch the sequel and its promising 2 hours of fun gore. Fun and gore it was but one thing was flagrant to me; the cinematography, settings and decors looked cheap and low-budget while I expected a slicker, cooler look. Also, the final act could’ve been a good 15 minutes shorter. Otherwise, it delivered plenty on what was expected. My rating: 7.5/10

Across the universe (2007 TV) : Did I ever tell you I hate musicals? And did I tell you I love The Beatles? Well, now you know. I had this movie on my list since forever but wasn’t in a hurry to see it since I was scared it would make me throw up a little. Throw up I didn’t as it was way way better than I even thought it could be. I liked what they did with most of the songs, my favourite probably being one of the least « flashy »: While my guitar gently weeps. Happiness is a warm gun was quite memorable too. Finally, the many trippy psychedelic parts were most excellent, the story was good but the movie was too long. My rating: 7.5/10

Scanners (1981 TV): I was happy to finally knock this one off of my watchlist. I didn’t quite like the atmosphere of the first 15-20 minutes and the way the story was unfolding but an hour in, the movie and I were settling in, got comfy and I agreed more to its vibe. Now, Million dollar question: does the movie (acting, story, dialogues) take itself too seriously? I think so, yes. My rating: 6.5/10



Of yours:
Mulan 7/10
Meet Joe Black 6.5/10
Terrifier 2 7/10
Across the Universe 8.5/10
Scanners 7/10

My week:
Elephant (2003) 6/10
While I think this is a beautiful film, I just can't connect with any of the characters. I get the point of it, I just think that other school shooting movies have at least made me invest in a character whether I like them or not.

The Terry Fox Story (1983) 7/10
I remember watching this on TV with my parents, and then again in school. The true story is an amazing, inspirational one. This movie tries, but it is a Canadian made for tv movie from the early 80s with a novice actor in the lead. Sure there is some creative license, but the marathon of hope was well portrayed. It's worth a watch. So are some of the documentaries about Terry Fox.

Saved! (2004) 7.5/10
I don't know why I like this movie as much as I do. It's just really enjoyable, with a great cast.

My Girl 2 (1994) 6.5/10
I really didn't remember much about this one other than I didn't like it as much as the original. I do think that it was a decent follow up. Sure there is no real emotional punch in it, but I think the characters were still very much who we knew them to be. It might have been received more kindly if it was a stand alone film, but I liked it. It's not great, and it does drag a bit in the middle, but I'm certainly not sad that I watched it again, and I probably will do so at some point in the future.

Open 24 Hours (2018) 6/10
I rated this one, but I didn't review when I watched it before. I didn't really remember much, but I remembered that I thought it wasn't bad. Watching it again, I still think it's not bad, but it does have some issues. As a slasher fan I appreciate it, but the story isn't quite all there.

The Night the Bridge Fell Down (1983) 5.5/10
I have very vivid memories of watching this on TV when I was a kid, and then having to go to bed on the first night and I never got to finish it. I did remember the bridge collapse pretty well, but nothing else. Honestly had no idea it was so long. I can see why it was shelved for so many years. It just wasn't all that great. I am glad that I finally know 40 years later what happened to these fictional people. So that's something. I do love disaster movies so it was still kind of fun to watch, but I'd never recommend it to anyone.


Elephant is on my list.

The Terry Fox story: one of my favourite story. 9/10

I bought Saved! about 2 years ago.

Open 24 hour: relay liked the atmosphere. Story was alright. 6.5/10


Who are you again?

Mulan 7/10
Across the universe 7/10
Scanners 9/10

I watched:

The Beast in Heat 1977 7/10 This was weird and trashy, but I liked it.

Devil Hunter 1980 6/10 A little slow and boring at times, but with some good scenes.

Night of the Bloody Apes 1969 6/10 This was just okay.

Lust for a Vampire 1971 6/10 Watchable with a couple good moments, but could have been better.

Your Place or Mine 2023 5/10 It's a mediocre, predictable, and cliched romantic comedy that offers nothing new or interesting.

Navalny 2022 7/10 This was alright, but I didn't find it very interesting.

A Taste of Flesh 1967 7/10 This was pretty good.

Another Day, Another Man 1966 7/10 I thought the story was interesting. There is enough drama and sex appeal to keep me engaged.

Too Much Too Often! 1968 6/10 This started off well, but then lost steam along the way. It didn't end up being as interesting or entertaining as it could have been.

To Leslie 2022 6/10 I didn't find the story that interesting or compelling. Andrea Riseborough is good, but not exceptional or Oscar worthy. The film feels like it is lacking something and there is nothing that makes it stand out.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris 2022 7/10 A charming film with lovely costumes and a fine performance from Lesley Manville.

The Sex Perils of Paulette 1965 6/10 Although the writing and acting aren't great, there are some beautiful women here and a couple interesting moments.

The Hot Month of August 1966 6/10 This was fine. Not everything works, but there are some good parts.

My Brother’s Wife 1966 7/10 There was enough drama and sex appeal to keep me interested.

Passion Fever 1969 4/10 This has got to be Doris Wishman's most incomprehensible film. It's a muddled mess and most of it doesn't work. It's nowhere near as entertaining as her other films.

Love Toy 1971 8/10 This movie was quite sleazy. I enjoyed it a lot. For me, this is Doris Wishman's best film.


The Immoral Three 1975 7/10 This was fairly entertaining.

Keyholes Are for Peeping 1972 7/10 Gives the viewer exactly what you would expect. It's silly, sleazy, and sexy fun.

The Amazing Transplant 1970 This was sort of interesting. Worth a watch for Wishman fans.


I haven’t seen a single one of yours. I don’t know how you remember all the movies you watch on the long run. my movie memory sucks.



Meet Joe Black: I remember the car hit scene from this movie spread like wildfire in the pre-internet era as a snuff video. :D The resolution was so bad, you couldn't make it out it was Brad Pitt lol. Haven't seen the whole movie yet.

Terrifier 2 (2022) is on my list, as I loved the first one.

This week I watched:
Army of the Dead (2021): Pretty good zombie movie. It had the dumb slow moving ones, and the smart and quick kind, too. I don't really like Dave Bautista, he always plays the same "gentle giant" role. But Ella Purnell was really cute. 7,5/10

Infinite (2021): I like Wahlberg, but this was just garbage. I guess the whole budget was spent on his and the CGI department's paycheck. Looked good but oh my what a script... 3,5/10

Almost finished Rick & Morty SE06, I'll rate it when I'm through.


Meet Joe Black: that’s a funny story. I was quite shocked when he got hit!

Army of the dead: 7/10


Sliders (1995) - 8/10 for Seasons 1 & 2 - I got the complete series on DVD so I'm doing a rewatch
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) - 5/10
Skyscraper (2018) - 4/10
Cold War (2012) - 6/10
Henry's Crime (2010) - 6/10
American Dragons (1998) - 5/10
Running Time (1997) - 7/10

And out of the ones you watched I've seen

Meet Joe Black - 6/10
Terrifier 2 - 8/10
Scanners - 8/10


Wakanda forever: 7/10

I think I got Cold War in dvd.


Greetings StoneKeeper!!

Scanners (1981) I’m with ya on the 6.5 rating.

My week:

The Last Blood (1983) 6/10 Macaroni combat movie here with a Rambo like story complete with a dark ending.

Wild Wild Planet (1966) 5/10 Pretty bad futuristic thriller here with about it’s only redeeming aspects being it’s goofy cars and Franco Nero being in the cast.

The Hunters of the Golden Cobra (1982) 7/10 Really fun Margheriti directed Indiana Jones knock off here complete with a great cast of genre regulars, and lots of his trademark miniature useage. Margheriti has several other similar movies from this time that are just as fun. Hard to find but worth it.

Orchestrator of Storms: The Fantastique World of Jean Rollin (2010) 9/10 Excellent documentary about a fabulous film maker who, unfortunately didn’t get much recognition during his lifetime. I’ve only seen 9 of his films but this defiantly left me searching for more.

Body Double (1984) 8/10 This one came on HBO a lot when I was a kid, and I watched it when my parents weren’t looking. Hitchcock inspired noir thriller with one particularly violent death and lots of nudity. Big highlight for me is the porn music video complete with Frankie Goes to Hollywood, neon lights and everyone dressed in punk gear. Love it!


Haven’t seen yours this week.


Greetings! I’ve never actually seen any of those movies! 😫 There are plenty of films I need to see and I have so many “watch later” ones between all my free apps that I haven’t gotten around to lol.


You need to watch at least 2 movies/week. C’mon, you can do it!


Inside Llewyn Davis (2014) - reminded me of nashville just not a good. i do like movies about the music industry so this gives us a good look at the folk era from 1960s new york. they could have made the main character a nicer person. the john goodman character was funny. 6.5/10

Who'll Stop the Rain (1978) - first watch on this. a bit of a gem from a young nick nolte who gets caught up in a drug deal. always good to see anthony zerbe who was born to play the bad guy. 7/10

The Happening (2008) - finally saw it. i should have maintained my 15 year boycott. wahlberg was miscast and really can't act anyway. the plot is a meandering mess. it tried to steal from the birds (1963) but wasn't close. 4/10

Take One False Step (1949) - i like a touch of film noir. this was the time when shelley winters was still hot. the plot is a bit strange as to the motive of the main character and another character who causes a lot of trouble disappears. 6/10


Inside Llewyn Davis: got the DVD and been on my watchlist since forever.

The happening: 5/10


Unfortunately none from yours.

My week:

Heat (1995): This is a really entertaining movie and surprisingly deals with relationships as much as with action. You can't hate a movie with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in the same team. On the downside, I found plenty of logical plot hole, they aren't smart as they wants us to believe they are. 7.5/10

Somebody I Used to Know (2023): I am only seen this movie because of Alison Brie, one of the most beautiful woman in the world. The movie is boring, most parts not funny, and the characters moral conscience very low although the director wants to prove us otherwise. Jay Ellis with very dull performance, Kiersey Clemons okay, Alison Brie charismatic as usual. One point for nudity 4/10


Heat: was it your first time seeing this classic? I saw it twice but due for a rewatch has it must have been at least 15 years since last time. 8.5/10


Yes. As big De Niro and Al Pacino fan it's strange I seen it for the first time last week.


I saw one episode of the 4th season of You, the story has completely changed, it's not like before.


I think you post here by mistake. I don't have any idea about this TV series.
