MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What mispronunciations bug you the most?

What mispronunciations bug you the most?

For me when people say Los Angeles as "los ann-gel-LEES", I get triggered.. It's los ANN-jah-liss". Stress on the Ann.

Or Latinos who can't make a V sound so they use Bs.

"It's berry good".

Or their need to put the E sound before S.

"Oh you know some eh-spanish?"

One correct pronunciation I don't like is saying Las Vegas with Las, because it's normally said as "los Vegas".

I notice foreigners say Las and it makes them stick out.

What's your pet peeve?


Or Latinos who can't make a V sound so they use Bs.

"It's berry good".

Mexicans make the "V" sound in the middle of a word. But at the beginning of a word they pronounce "B" instead. I think it's charming.

I hate when people say "I cunt" instead of "I can't".


I figure the British say carn't because it sorta merged with the word aren't. Just a theory.

To someone learning English, the American pronunciation of can and can't (with silent T) must be so hard to decipher.


I find it odd sounding when people add uh at the end of words that end in ool as in cool-uh
