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Need help with a movie title

So all I remember is a little boy with, if I'm remembering correct, he had curly dark hair. I remember he had a dog and I don't know if the dog was hurt but I can still hear the boy say "Bruno" in a sad voice. This is an old movie, probably before the 1980s. It might be disney.




No, it's definitely live action


Bruno is the name of the dog in Cinderella. I don't know if Bruno is in the Rogers and Hammerstein film version with Leslie Anne Warren


It wasn't Cinderella. I think there was an old guy in the movie too with the little boy. Sorry I can't give much more than that. I was really young when I last saw it. But the only real vivid memory I have is that little boy's voice saying "bruno". For some reason I think they were in a forest. And I am 100% sure it's live action, not animated.


The more I think about this description, the more it reminds me of Robot in the Family (1993).
