MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone like themoviedatabase?

Anyone like themoviedatabase?

What are your guys's thoughts on this site?


i have an account - not much going on over there.


I wonder why? From what I can see it is actually a lot more organized than this site is. Not to mention it tells you where you can stream the movie you are looking up. You can upvote comments etc. Seems rather nicely laid out to me.


i find it confusing. imdb is still the place for movie info.


I spent a little time there after the IMDB boards closed down before coming here.

This place seemed quite a bit livelier, so I've stayed here. I actually liked how it was set up and the features but the database isn't nearly as complete as what you find at the IMDB. It's so hard to challenge an established site like IMDB. Look at Twitter. So many people hate how its run, yet none of its competitors can really get any momentum.

Anyway, I go here for movie discussions and whatnot and to IMDB for movie information. Movie database has both but doesn't do either thing as well.


What do you think would improve the site? I get movie info but what about this site does conversations better? I actually think the conversation thread setup is better on that site.


you couldn't have a discussion like this over there.


The main thing that brought me here was that there were just more people. The site layout was fine.




Do you work for them? Is your post really an advertisement? 2 threads same topic. Hmm...something fishy here.


No my computer froze once I posted it. So I didn't think it went through so I did it again.


I hate that the IMDB message board shutting down and made all of it's users have to find multiple places to talk about movies. All though I no longer watch the series, to this day, I miss the fun I had with the people on the Love & Hip Hop: (name the location), and finding them on other message boards since it seemed there was a group that liked the same type of shows.

Was themoviedatabase called by
I had an account to that, but that site is pretty dead, also I didn't appreciate having my post being lumped in with someone else because it seemed similar.

I prefer this site.
To me it's easy to follow.

And IMDB thought twitter would take over.
That is like the worst place to have an actual movie discussion.


I liked its fresh look when I went there after imdb but prefer how this site transferred imdbs topics. You’d go to a movie and often be the first to post a topic. People didn’t seem to chat as much.

I’ll use it over imdb to look up an actors work.


This place seemed quite a bit livelier, so I've stayed here

Same here.

Haven't been there for several months now or checked it out lately ...

but A MAJOR problem with that other site is how it's OVER RUN and CONTROLLED by a bunch of RABID INFESTED STAR TREK FANS who continuously BUMP UP long dead topics on TOS board.

And then whenever you try to discuss the NEWEST TREK SHOWS on other boards, they'll also ATTACK YOU, and BASH what you say (even when they haven't even watched or seen the NEWER TREK SHOWS).

And when you complain about how each TOPIC that you try to discuss keeps getting BURIED beneath all of the "BUMPED UP --ONE WORD-- mostly OFF TOPIC nonsense" that's posted to TOS Star Trek board, then a MOD will also tell you that "IT IS WHAT IT IS" and nothing whatsoever will be done about.

So it's very much like the way others here complained about the TRUMP board appearing too much, and then those who posted messages there were told to go use the POLITICS board.

But when you complain about being TIRED of seeing all of the other stuff from TOS STAR TREK board all of the time, NOTHING is done about it, which is also the reason why others give up and go to other places (where what they say isn't constantly getting BURIED under that other AVANLANCHE of BS that gets posted there at tmdb).

Also heard The OWNER of that place has also sold it to someone else (which probably also means they must have given up on it and turned it over to someone else now).


No chat room over there. I lost interest early on.


Yes exactly. That's also how I ended up being here is a poster from there told me to come here so that we could PM each other (which we couldn't do over there).

Then after I'd left or was leaving one discovered the MOD's over there have a PM SYSTEM -- when one of the MODS PM's me -- asking if I was ok -- and one also ended up discussing HIS LIFE with him for several MONTHS (because he'd also gotten himself into lots of CREDIT CARD DEBT and was FLAT BROKE after his INHERITANCE ran out).

So there's also a CHAT SYSTEM of sorts, but it's also only for the MODS to use so that they (or at least one of them) can ask you if you're ok, before they then proceed to BOMBARD you with their own troubles (and still do nothing about the RABID TREK FANS that you complained to then about).



I asked if they would ever consider starting a chatroom. They said they did have a chatroom briefly but the trolls killed it quickly.


There was no CHAT ROOM there for those who were NOT MODS, but they did have a GENERAL CHAT area (just like this one here), but the TROLLS mostly kept posting really NASTY stuff about the previous OWNER of the SITE (who's also a VERY NICE person) and his girlfriend there (who was also NOT a NICE PERSON).


And TOS TREK board has also become mostly full of OFF TOPIC CRAP where the RABID TREK FANS discuss their personal lives there (where they also BASH and ATTACK you if you don't agree with them or with what they've said about the show that they WORSHIP and ADORE -- as if RODDENBERRY was also a GOD who can do no wrong).

And they'll also come over to other boards where you try to discuss other films non related to STAR TREK and harass you there as well.

And the MOD who almost went BANKRUPT will also then SHUT DOWN that topic so that you can't discuss anything there anymore.

And when you try to discuss another NEW SHOW or another different film the same thing will happen again.

In other words, BULLIES also RUN and CONTROL the place and the almost BANKRUPT MOD (who also found a temp job just in time) also does nothing about it.



i asked about starting one over a year ago


They had the GENERAL DISCUSSION board way back when imdb first closed down.

Then all of the TROLLS from imdb INVADED it and that was the end of that.

And the stuff they were saying was also even WORSE than what you'd see at imdb !!!

So one also can't blame poor TRAVIS (the previous owner who was also a very nice person) from not wanting to open up another one again.

He also said he'd consider having a PM system there, but then he NEVER did install one.

Have you ever used the REDDIT boards???

Some of the discussions there are interesting, but the layout of the place SUCKS BIGTIME.


Is the banana guy the owner over there?


I don't know who the new owner is now.

All I know is the nearly BANKRUPT MOD said that Travis has sold the place to someone else.

Banana's also always listed as having posted the most messages or something.

But I've also never met him or talked to him and don't really comprehend that ratings system either.

If you leave a message for TRAVIS in the SUPPORT FORUM asking who own's it now he might also tell you, or else maybe he'd also send you one of those PM's like the MOD did me as a way to tell you who it is???


I never liked the layout over there. Much easier to go to imdb if you want factual info.


Wikipedia is another good way to find out whatever facts it is that you want to know about an actor or a film or a TV SHOW.

I especially like reading their excellent "PLOT SUMMARIES" of movies and episodes of shows.

And Not having a PM system or a way to exchange emails also sucks.

PLUS you also have no way to see a person's profile or read any of the other messages that they've posted either (which can also be a good way to know if you're dealing with a troll -- and knowing beforehand that it would be a waste of time to start up a conversation with them or waste one's time giving a reply back to them).
