MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > there's a mouse somewhere in my apartmen...

there's a mouse somewhere in my apartment

i just saw it scurrying into my kitchen in the middle of watching spiderman (2002 version, which i was enjoying very much until that mouse freaked me the hell out).

i've pulled apart every nook and cranny of my place trying to find it, and i can't see where the little rodent is hiding.

fat chance i'll get any sleep tonight.

send help!


I had one once in the apartment. They're damn hard to catch. Even I could find him, he was quick as hell.

Better use a trap. With a box, a little stick and a bit of food you will get him and you'll have a new pet.


Keep a watch and track where he prefers to travel, they usually travel tight to the walls...btw, if you saw one you may have quite a few, sorry to alarm you

Glue traps should wipe out your problem in no time
Once the last one is dead keep the glue traps out for at LEAST several more weeks
You'll kill them all with ease👍


i am cautiously hopeful that this is a lone straggler that made his way into my cozy home. i am clinging to that because i've found none of the standard evidence that comes with mice. and i did have a bag of potatoes sitting on the floor in my kitchen for a good week prior to last night, & it didn't show any evidence of gnawing, & presumably if he/they've been here for a while, they would have tried to have a go at that. it's the only food source in my place they would have access to i'm pretty certain.

& i did sprinkle flour along my floorboards & a few other plausible places last night to see if i could find any footprints, & there's nothing there yet.

but i'm also realistic, so i am off to the hardware store to load up on traps.

wish me luck!


Happy hunting
No mercy for them


i've got six traps laid out.
we'll see what the night brings!


The night of the Long Knives
Get them all👍



My Emily can handle that for you.


a trap and peanut better. they love the peanut butter.


i've got six traps strategically arrayed around my place, each one of them laced with peanut butter.

it's game on, you little fuckers.

pardon my language.


they don't stand a chance.


Maybe the mouse enters their holes in someone's apartment and runs in the hall to enter under your door. Do set glue mouse traps around your front door.

Yuck! I hate Spiderman 2. The whole thing with their romance is on and off and on and off and on and off and so on is pretty sick.I ripped my DVD to destroy Spiderman 2 DVD without getting to the end.
