MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What makes me really mad about this dise...

What makes me really mad about this disease is...

The time to act was RIGHT AWAY when we knew Chinese were leaving and spreading it around the world.

But in Australia, they took weeks to cancel flights from China. They then allowed Chinese to enter Australia if they had spent 2 weeks in another country. Still, infected people came in.

Last month, they let the gay and lesbian mardi gras parade go ahead in Sydney. 200,000 people on the streets.

They were letting cruise ships continue to trade only up to last week.

Now they're in "lock down".

The horse has bolted. Had we had good leadership 3 months ago, Australia could have stopped it even arriving.


If everyone is honest they will admit that neither party would have reacted any differently and we would probably be where we are right now regardless of which party was in the White House.

We weren't prepared because it is totally impossible to have a crystal ball and be 100% prepared for all things that might come our way.


Mathematics is very predictable.


Math for what? Mind boggling to predict and/or be prepared for everything.


stop being a cunt everybody is just coping, including bureaucrats. i Hate politicians as much as the next dog but if they had shut shit down early you'd be blaming them for the economy or whatever else. Its no ones fault so eat a sandwich and chill out.
