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Dario Argento movie recommendations

I have only seen two of his - Suspria (1977) and The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970). Any other suggestions??


I recommend these:

Tenebre (1982)
Deep Red (1975)
Phenomena (1985)


I just watched Tenebre. Do all his movies have that softcore porn feel about it??


lol yeah sort of, now that you mention it. a lot of italian films do though.


Yep, I second that. It depends on the director but many of the Italian films of that era have a bit of that feel.


How did you like Tenebre?


A similar plot to The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970). They are both campy but entertaining. I think I will watch a couple more that were mentioned here.


His catalogue can be enormously divisive even among his biggest fans, but these worked best for me:

Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1971)
The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971)
Inferno (1980)
Opera (1987)
Phenomena (1985)
Sleepless (2001)
Giallo (2009)


Four Flies on Grey Velvet was the first one that came to mind for me (aside from Suspiria).


Same here. Suspiria is in a class all on its own, but as far as Argento goes I keep coming back to that, Phenomena, and oddly enough Giallo, which works best if you view it as pastiche rather than a wholly reverent genre picture.


personally, i think deep red & tenebrae are probably his best films (aside from the two you've mentioned) from what i've seen.


Inferno (1980)

suspiria and inferno are my 2 faves. his classic giallos are good but i’m more fond of his more psychedelic films, and these two are the best of those imo.

his later films are also so bad btw. like john carpenter, there’s a major crash in quality after the 80s.


I think the decline might even be sharper with Argento. carpenters post 1990 movies are generally not that good, but they still seem like Carpenter movies. With Argento, it's hard to believe the same guy is responsible for the very stylish, hypnotic Suspiria.


for sure. argento’s is an easy contender for most brutal directorial fall from grace ever. john still pulled out a few ok ones like in the mouth of madness on the way down.


Tenebre (1982) is my personal favorite Argento film. I adore its story, unique kills, twist, everything.

Trauma (1993) and Sleepless (2001) are underrated jems imho
