MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you could star in a romantic comedy.....

If you could star in a romantic comedy...

what actor (male or female) would you cast as your love interest? I would cast Elle Fanning.


Garrett Hedlund


Keanu Reeves!


If I had a starring role in any movie I'd be so grateful that I wouldn't even care who my castmate was for the most part.

Also, in general, I mostly wouldn't mind anyways since that decision would probably be for others to make (unless I'm doing the casting or such). I would probably pick an unknown/lesser known actress to be fair since just picking someone with a big name/already too well known wouldn't feel right if I had to make the decision (it's not like I'm a movie star personally).

I could think of some specific actresses, but probably no point in listing their names here for this purpose -- and I've shared my main reasoning anyways behind what factors would affect this (and I wouldn't pick a celebrity/etc.).
