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The new Hollywood Blacklist targets Trump supporters

Hollywood Liberal Fascists want the names of anyone who supports Trump so they can boycott and stalk them!

President Trump on Sunday targeted actress Debra Messing after she called for publicizing the list of donors who are reportedly attending a Beverly Hills fundraiser where the president is slated to appear.

The Hollywood Reporter first reported last week that Trump would be attending the fundraiser on Sept. 17 as part of his 2020 reelection efforts. The fundraiser is being organized by Trump Victory, a joint committee that raises money for Trump's 2020 campaign, and the Republican National Committee (RNC). It is unclear where the Hollywood fundraiser for Trump is being held. The Hollywood Reporter noted that the fundraiser is being hosted by the RNC's chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel; the RNC's co-chairman, Tommy Hicks Jr.; Trump reelection campaign manager Brad Parscale; and Trump Victory's finance chairman, Todd Ricketts. Donors must pay at least a $1,000 to attend the event.

"Please print a list of all attendees please," Messing tweeted. "The public has a right to know."

Her former co-star Eric McCormack echoed the sentiment, tweeting that the Hollywood Reporter should "kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx."

The original Hollywood Blacklist had nothing to do with Senator McCarthy.


The bunch of them shits can put me on their little crybaby list
I supported Trump in the last election and will happily do so again

Gasoline is cheap, the sweet old man across the street just sold his nice house for way more money than I thought possible (real estate value is WAY up) and nobody ever came for my guns...they were wise not to:)

Trump 2020!


What the hell happened to Debra? She doesn't seem right in the head.


Debra...was she the hot lady in the red stilettos cracking a bullwhip?


My name ain't Debra, buddy.😑


Must have been another sexy babe then...but NOT as sexy as you of course😘


