MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The most thought provoking ending to a m...

The most thought provoking ending to a movie you've ever seen?

"Being There."

After all these years I still find myself, at the most random moments, recalling this movie, and puzzling over its ending -- one of the most beautiful, haunting and mysterious ones out there.

"Life is a state of mind" indeed.


I just rewatched it for the first time in over a decade, and no longer feel as strongly about it, but Donnie Darko's ending was pretty thought provoking to thirteen year old me.

SE7EN has an ending that gets one mulling over the nature of man.

I watch a lot of films, and most that I'd give an above average rating to engender thought throughout their durations.


Inception. I can still remember the sound the audience made in that Pacific Theatre in The Grove Los Angeles.
They were truly wowed and left discussing what they'd just seen.
