MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > i turned a large silverback chimpanzee l...

i turned a large silverback chimpanzee loose in an indoor mall about an hour ago

he seemed to be enjoying himself, the last i looked.

probably should have fed him first. but, you know, you can't live your life regretting every little thing.

because life's too short. especially for some of the shoppers in the mall.


It's ok, most malls have a food court.


You think he's gone apesh!t now, after eating that hot Thai food, just give it a few hours...


I bet he went ape for it!🦍


you are completely bananas.


he is off his tree!


he seemed to really enjoy being out of his restraints. he's no fan of mine, i can tell you. that was my last act of kindness, letting him finally run wild and free. in the mall.


rolled by the mall a little awhile ago, lots of flashing lights and tv trucks - hope the old fellow behaved himself. he is a high-spirited beast. at any rate i won't miss having him rampaging & screaming around the house, swinging from the drapes and trying to rip the kids faces off. who needs that?
