MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you feel safe here?

Do you feel safe here?

On Movie Chat. Mostly I would say yes, mostly, but some users have shown particularly disturbing behavior.


I do not feel as if I am in any danger here. The same applies to most places online.


Safe? I feel at least as safe as I would hurling a fast motorcycle down a twisty canyon road, ditch full of rabid vipers & hung-over Honey-Badgers to one side; bottomless chasm on the other, Mach 2, fangs-out & hair (such as it is) on fire, bare-nekkid with 2 drinks in me. Whee...



You have a real talent with words, SkyCoyote. Are you a writer?


Frustrated writer. Dabbled at it since high-school, mostly scifi. For me, ideas come fairly easy (what-if game) and I can imagine the kinds of cultures and people and situations I'd like to write about.
The hard part is fleshing out the economics & political structures of fictional cultures enough to make them even remotely plausible.


Scifi's tough that way, but you've obviously got talent, so don't give up on it!


I agree with Cat. Keep writing. You'll figure it out. We need good writers. Hollywood needs good writers so they stop producing garbage remakes of classics, or re-boots of mediocre series.



I can imagine that a couple of the more challenging courses of study in a future scenario would be xenoeconomics & xenopolitical science. Yeesh...


I feel reasonably safe here, but I also agree with seeing some pugnacious attitudes here. I do my best to ignore that type.


I fell very safe here Pete, and if ever fell you dont please tell us.:)
