MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Adult sized non-motorised scooters

Adult sized non-motorised scooters

What the hell is that all about...?




That is really stupid looking lol😂
Do adults really do this?
I cant imagine getting around like that though the parking is probably pretty easy


Well I guess you wouldn't have to worry about anyone stealing it...


Good point
Who would want that silly looking thing?



It just looks silly as hell😂



Sadly, they do that and its pretty stupid looking
I think a man should drive a motor vehicle and avoid tats above their asses and for Pete's sake NO manbuns

Jeez...i think im becoming one of those 'get off my lawn' guys 😆



I hear 'ya!
Little girl down the way walks her large dog across my lawn sometimes...and sometimes it craps or pees on my yard
I will admit that this really annoys me but...i just let it go:/
I think im getting too soft on the stupid neighbor kids!
Tomorrow i will drag out the dusty old rocking chair and shotgun from the barn!
That should do it😃



I could swear you have shared this story before seem like a mellow fellow and i like that about you

The little things dont bother me much anymore either...hell, some of these things are funny!

My son and a neighbor boy caught a small leapord frog in the yard today and took it into the garage where i was sitting (it was early, i was bleary eyed and to be frank, a tad hung over and having my first coffee and smoke of the day)
Of course the frog got loose and i had to spend 15 minutes hunting it down amongst the rakes and spare tires etc...
When i get really annoyed i look to the sky and think...'eh, i suppose i could have nobody to annoy me'
It all seems easy to deal with then:)




Yeah but they have these things called bicycles...



No problems, I can see you're a glass-half-full kind of person.



at least they are getting exercise.


For God sake 😂
